Friday, July 1, 2011

Are You Exercising Aerobically, or Are You Headed For A Heart Attack?

Doc Rick says, "The following information can save you from a sudden and life ending heart attack. Please read below and consider the offer to you."

How Is Your Main Pumper Doing?

As more and more of you find yourself outside doing physical activities, I felt it important to help you make sure that the rate at which you do these activities is proper for your health.  Whether you are running as a sport, hiking, cycling or simply going for a walk, you need to appreciate the importance of keeping your heart rate consistent.  For the alternative is doing these activities at an improper pace and creating underlying health concerns.  If you've heard of, or read any of the incidences of athletes having heart attacks, it is because of improper training that the heart becomes deficient, and then with the repeated improper training ultimately quits. 
By exercising at the proper pace and rate for you, you can go a long way toward building health and eliminating the little nagging aches and pains many associate with working out.  For the record, having these aches and pains in not normal, and shouldn't be thought of as normal just because you work out.  The best way to exercise properly is to know what your heart rate is when you are exercising.  Regardless of the activity, whether its running, swimming, cycling or simply walking, you'll want to know what your heart rate is and whether or not it is within the crucial Health Building Zone.  This is important because if you are out of the Health Building Zone, you will be creating muscle soreness and set yourself up for probable injury.
To avoid this and to find your own personal Health Building Zone, you'll want to apply the following formula.  It's called the MAF Formula named after my original Alternative doctor, Dr. Phil Maffetone.  MAF stands for Maximum Aerobic Function, and his formula is computed the following way: 
  1) Subtract your age from 180 (180 - age)
  2) Modify this number by selecting one of the following categories:
a) If you have, or are recovering from, a major illness (heart disease, any operation, any hospital stay, etc) or if you are on any regular medication....................................................................................................subtract 10
b) If you have not exercised before, or if you have been exercising but have been injured or are regressing in your efforts (not showing much improvement) or if you often get colds or flu, or have allergies.....................................................................................................................subtract  5
c) If you have been exercising for up to two years at least 4 times a week without any significant injury and you have not had colds or flu more than once or twice a year....................................................................................................................................subtract 0
d) If you have been exercising for more than two years without any injury, have been making progress, and are a competitive athlete........................................................................................................................................add 5
For example, if you are 30 years old and fit into Category b:  180 - 30 = 150 - 5 = 145 beats per minute (bpm).
This is called your Maximum Aerobic Heart Rate or your Upper Heart Rate Limit (UHRL).  You never want your heart rate to go above this number when exercising for health.  By staying below this number, you will be building health, burning fat and increasing your hearts ability to work more efficiently.  Anything above this number and you will be burning sugar and will also be Anaerobic.  But this is just the first half of the equation.  The second half is understanding your Lower Heart Rate Limit (LHRL).  Simply subtract ten from your UHRL and you'll now have your LHRL and then have the range with which to exercise for health.  This is your Health Building Zone. For more information about Health and Fitness, go to and check out Dr. Maffetone's website.  It has a wealth of great information. 
Using the above example the LHRL would be the 145 bpm - 10 to give you 135 bpm.  So based on that example, the persons Health Building Zone would be accomplished by keeping their heart rate between 135 and 145 bpm while exercising.  And you will want to do this for a minimum of 30 minutes, after a easy 10 - 15 minute warm-up of course.  The warm-up is where you would begin with your resting heart rate, and gradually increasing it until you get to that desired zone.  How will you know what your heart rate is?  You will want to purchase a Polar Heart Rate monitor from any of the sporting good stores, such as Dick's, several stores on-line such as
By applying the MAF formula to yourself, you will be able to determine your Health Building Zone, and will be able to begin building an Aerobic Base necessary for increased health and longevity.  By beginning your workouts with a good 10 - 15 minute warm-up, slowly increasing your heart rate into your Health Building Zone, you will begin to improve your health, build your health reserves, and you will begin burning fat for fuel.  The longer you stay in that zone, for every minute after 20 minutes you will be burning fat.  This will help you to lose all the unwanted weight you gained during the Winter months.
My Offer To You
Take the time to go and get your heart rate monitor, and then bring it into the office.  I will help you set the appropriate zone and make sure it is working for you.  Then I will spend the time necessary to help you understand how to improve your health and your heart by exercising the right way.  I will help you learn how to activate your Fat Burning Mechanism and begin to lose weight while increasing your longevity. 
For ALL Current Practice Members: Pick up the phone now and ask us to put you in for the Heart of My Health Check.  This is a $ 100.00 value.  Make the appointment and the cost is FREE.  This Offer is good for the last three weeks of July only.  So call the office and schedule your appointment during the last 3 weeks of July, because as of August 1st, the offer will be gone.    Why not take advantage of the warm summer weather and begin exercising the right way.  As long as you're going to put the effort forth, you might as well do it right and gain the full benefit.  Call the Office NOW at 561-(BACK) 2225 and set up the appointment.  You'll be happy you did.
For ALL Potential New Practice Members: Attend my FREE Health Care Class held on Tuesday at 6:30 in the Newburgh Office located at 320 Robinson Ave. As part of the class, I will be happy to include the information on Proper Heart Rate, How to activate your Fat Burning Mechanism and I will even help you set up your Heart Rate Monitor.  All of this will be included in the FREE Class.  Call the Office at 561-2225 for reservations as they are required due to limited class space.

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