Thursday, June 30, 2011

The Heart Of The Matter

Doc Rick says, "As we move into the heart of Summer, I thought it would be important to teach you some more about the organ that beats over 100,000 times a day." Click on the link

The Heart Of The Matter
As we move into the Heart of Summer, I wanted to go over the second part of the Fire Element, The Heart.  To give you a better perspective about the amount of physical work your Heart does, the average person's Heart beats over 100,000 times a day based on 72 beats per minute.  If you stop to consider that, you should make it a priority to appreciate the different relationships that help to support and regulate the Heart, as well as maintain its function at its highest level possible. 
Representing the Yin half of the Fire Element, the Heart is known for housing the Spirit, and is the main storage site for all your Wisdom.  Having "learned things by Heart," one could say they really embodied their knowledge as the storage site for all knowing is within the Heart.  True, one remembers from the different parts of the brain, but true storage occurs within the Heart.  The Yin activities associated with the Fire Element, represented by the Heart therefore are true Wisdom, all knowing and deep synthesis ('knowing') of life.  Related to the Heart is the Circulatory System, composed of the arteries that carry blood away from the Heart, the capillaries that bring blood to and from the cells, and the veins which bring blood back to the Heart.  Also related to the Heart is the pericardium, an outer protective covering of the Heart.  The chief muscles associated with the Heart and its related components are the Subscapularis (the muscle on the front side of your shoulder blade) the Adductors of the inner thigh, the Piriformis muscles within the buttock, and the Gluteals of the buttocks.  Pain in any one of these muscles could mean Heart dysfunction. 
When one experiences Heart symptoms, they are usually related to the nutrition of the Heart or the back-up systems to the Heart, more so then the Heart itself.  For instance, an irregular heartbeat, or Arrhythmia is primarily due to aB vitamin deficiency.  All irregular heartbeats, skipped beats, heart murmurs, etc., stem from a deficiency in the whole B vitamin Complex.  These B vitamins are required for normal Heart function and helps to regulate the Heart's contractions.  When the Heart becomes deficient in these required B vitamins, the Heart will begin to torque, or twist upon itself.  This twisting then causes the doors (valves) of the Heart to close unevenly, creating the murmur.  Another component to these Arrhythmias is a deficiency in iodine.  Due to poor understanding in the past, most doctors don't appreciate the importance of this mineral, and many people are afraid to take iodine.  Unfortunately, because of the refining of foods and the misinformed fear associated with iodine, most Americans are deficient in iodine.
Increases in Blood Pressure, although most feel is a Heart problem, usually is an imbalance between the primary back-up to the Heart, another Fire Element component known as the Adrenal Glands.  These are the glands that help to regulate our stress response.  Through its hormones, and their effects on the Kidney, they help to directly regulate the Sodium/Potassium balance.  Sodium, if you haven't heard, is the electrolyte the American Heart Association has conditioned people to be weary of when it comes to blood pressure concerns.  Unfortunately, the information being given is not fully accurate.  In reality, it's more about Adrenal burnout and the lack of the regulatory hormone Aldosterone that controls the Sodium/Potassium balance.  If one has high blood pressure, instead of going on medication, a natural solution is to consider Cataplex G from Standard Process.  This vitamin, known as Vitamin G, is a portion of the B Complex that helps to regulate the relaxation or vasodilation of the blood vessels.  If the body is deficient in this portion of the B vitamin Complex, the vessels will not relax fully and the blood pressure will slowly begin to increase.  Interestingly enough, the whole B vitamin Complex is necessary for normal Small Intestine function, the other main half of the Fire Element we discussed last month.  Different portions of the B vitamins (Folic Acid needed to activate Vitamin B12) are required to activate Acidophilus, allowing normal growth and development of the intestinal flora.  This directly effects your ability to absorb and assimilate your food properly.  Appreciating the need for the whole B vitamin Complex, if one becomes deficient in their ability to absorb B vitamins, due to their lack of intestinal flora from the intake of Antibiotics, their heart rhythm may have difficulties staying regular.  With a lack of support from the Adrenals, the Heart will not have the energy to continue beating the 100,000 plus beats per day, which could result in a Heart Attack.  Realize the number one symptom associated with Heart Disease is a life ending Heart Attack.  In fact, the first symptom for greater than 40 % of those who suffer from Heart Disease is death.  Their Heart fails and they die. 
Symptoms that mimic a Heart Attack are those of a Hiatal Hernia.  This is where the Stomach herniates up through a hiatus (opening) within the Diaphragm, thereby putting pressure on the Heart.  The reflux associated with the hernia creates the "heart burn" sensation.  Since the Diaphragm is involved in the Hiatal Hernia, and the nerves that control the Diaphragm primarily come out of the C5/C6 area of the spine, which also supply the shoulder and upper arm area, one (including the ER doctors) could believe they are having a Heart Attack, when in fact they usually are suffering from a Hiatal Hernia.  If the ECG and the rest of the physical findings do not indicate a Heart Attack, know you have a Hiatal Hernia and you should come to the office to have it fixed. 
The other back-up to the Heart is the Thyroid.  This too is part of the Fire Element. This gland, located in the middle of your throat, is responsible for your Heart Rhythm.  When one's Heart Rhythm is off, think Thyroid first.  Two conditions related to Heart Rhythm problems are tachycardia (where the heart beats too fast, above 100 bpm when resting) and bradycardia (where the heart beats too slow, below 60 bpm when resting).  Tachycardia is a serious condition and should be addressed sooner, rather than later.  Bradycardia, on the other hand, is normal for people who are in great physical condition aerobically and have a healthy heart.  Arrhythmias, as mentioned above, relate to deficiencies in iodine.  Prolamine Iodine by Standard Process should be taken to restore proper levels of this vital nutrient.  This can sometimes take several months to restore, and then a maintenance dose is usually required.    
Supporting Your Heart
Nutritional support for your Heart are Cardiotrophin PMG to help rebuild a damaged Heart from years of abuse and other more serious Heart conditions.  Cardio-Plus in asssociation with Cataplex E2 help to maintain an efficient Heart by increasing the utilization of oxygen by the Heart.  Also important, as mentioned above, is Cataplex B which maintains the necessary fuel for normal Heart contractions.  Prolamine Iodine is vital for normal heart rhythm.  All of these are available through the office from Standard Process.
Herbal support related to the Heart and the Circulatory System are Hawthorn by Mediherb for normal Blood Pressure and the promotion of Cardiovascualr Health and antioxidant protection.  Horsechestnut Complex, also from Mediherb promotes venous integrity, eases the effects of heavy exercise, and supports healthy peripheral circulation.  Celery seed helps to maintain blood pressure within a normal range.  This too is carried by Mediherb, and all of which are available through the office.
What This Means To You
If one suspects they are having any concerns with their Heart, you'll want to get that checked out.  Consider improving your digestion by supporting your Small Intestine.  By improving the absorption of the B vitamins, thus supporting the effectiveness of Acidophilus, this will lead to less indigestion, less potential for Hiatal Hernias, and will allow the Adrenals to take a break so they can go back to supporting the Heart and normal Blood Pressure.  All of this will go a long way toward improving the health of your Heart.  Also, it is vital to begin exercising in an Aerobic fashion.  This will increase the health of your Heart and allow it to become stronger with age, not quit without warning.  For information about exercising Aerobically, within your specific target heart rate zone, I will be discussing this in my next newsletter to you.
My Offer To You
For ALL Current Practice Members: If you suspect you are having Heart concerns, and want to know for sure, you need to come in and have the Full Heart Check.  I will take the time during your next office visit and evaluate your Heart and Circulatory System with their related organs, like the Adrenals and the Small Intestine.  Normally this is a $75.00 value, but through the end of July, I will include this as part of your normal office visit.  That's right, It's FREE!  But you must call Jean first at (845) 561-2225 and ask for the Full Heart Check.  This will let me know to plan for the extra time needed to do the evaluation and explain the results to you.  Why wait, call NOW while the thought is fresh.
For All Potential New Practice Members, I extend to you the same offer.  But you too must act quickly.  As of July 31st, the offer will be gone.  Call the Office at (845) 561 2225 and tell us you want to become a New Practice Member and I will include the Full Heart Check as part of the initial consultation and examination. Haven't you waited long enough to take care of your health?  Have a Heart and call TODAY!
As always, I offer Free Health Care Classes on Tuesday evenings at 6:30 pm in the Newburgh Office, located at 320 Robinson Avenue.  This is where you will have the chance to ask all of your difficult health questions and have them answered by Dr. Huntoon at NO CHARGE!  Since class size is limited, reservations are required.  So why not gather up your family and friends, and spend some time having all your health related questions answered.  Call the Office at (845) 561-2225 and reserve your seat TODAY!  

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