Thursday, June 16, 2011

June 17th Tuesday Evening's FREE Health Care Class

Doc Rick says, "Do you fear getting sunburn? Do you avoid the sun for fear of getting sunburn? Will you only go out in the sun wearing suncreen? Do you know you are creating a vitamin D problem which could lead to cancer? If you ever get sunburn and want to prevent it without compromising your ability to make vitamin D (so you don't get cancer) then you will want to strongly consider coming to this class on Vitamin F."
 "Do you fear getting sunburn?  Do you avoid the sun for fear of getting sunburn?  Will you only go out in the sun wearing suncreen?  Do you know you are creating a vitamin D problem which could lead to cancer? If you ever get sunburn and want to prevent it without compromising your ability to make vitamin D (so you don't get cancer) then you will want to strongly consider coming to this class on Vitamin F."
Vitamin F is a vitamin most have never heard of.  This is because it was taken out of the literature back in the 1940's after a butter substitute was manufactured and they wanted everyone to use this in place of butter.  Why, even today, they still have commercials making fun of the families who used to use butter instead of these substitutes.  But as an old commercial used to say, "It's not nice to fool Mother Nature!", you don't want to be a fool and miss this class.  Come learn how to avoid lathering up with sunscreen and learn how to naturally prevent sunburn.  And while you are at it, learn how to help the health of your kids too.
And if you know of a friend or loved one who would benefit from this or any other free class, ask them to go to and ask them to click on FREE Health Care Class Schedule and Topics under the Main Menu and find a class that is right for them.  The classes are always FREE and begin at 6:30 pm in the Newburgh Office.  Simply call the office at (845)561-2225 and ask Jean to schedule you for our next FREE Health Care Class.
For All Potential New Practice Members who attend a FREE Class, you will qualify for $50.00 off your Initial Consultation and Examination.  You simply have to attend a FREE Class within 2 weeks of your New Practice Member Appointment.  So why not save some money and learn some valuable information to how to help yourself and your health. Call the office today at (845)561-BACK (2225) and ask us to include you in our next FREE Health Care Class.  Saving Money and Learning at the same time.  What could be better than that?
Call the Office for Reservations and come be my personal guest as I help you learn what it takes to be healthy in 2011.  Our phone number is (845)561-BACK or 561-2225.
Also, in my new book, When Your Health Matters: Using Your Body's Natural Rhythms To Restore Your Health, available for sale through the office will give you all the information you need on The Importance of Vitamin C.  To purchase your own copy of my new book, simply call the Office and I will write a personal dedication to you when you come pick it up.  Call (845)561-BACK or 561-2225 and I will put your copy aside.

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