Doc Rick says, "Here is another vitamin you probably have never heard of before coming to see me at the office. And if you haven't, you probably have never heard of it. Read the following and see if any of the symptoms apply to you." Click on the link
Vitamin G Understanding The Importance Of It
The natural question most ask at this point is, "What is Vitamin G?," as I've never heard of it. Appreciating that, I offer the following information that was first presented in the July Issue of Vitamin News, Volume 2, Issue No. 7, entitled Vitamin G, as it appeared in 1934. It was reprinted from the Part of the Royal Lee Library Series, published by The International Foundation for Nutrition and Health. Please consider the information and appreciate when it was written, and I hope you enjoy it.
In the early investigations of vitamin B, the antineuritic vitamin, it was soon found that it contained a separate factor that was necessary to growth, that was more resistant to heat than the B, and occurred associated with B in varying proportions, being relatively high in yeast and low in corn. Different animal species were found to have varying requirements for the two components, pigeons being relatively immune to deficiency of growth factor, while rats were susceptible to a deficiency of either.
The growth factor became separately designated as vitamin G, and it is now known that a deficiency of this principle is a factor in the causation of secondary anemia, pellagra, cataracts of the eye, and various forms of dermatitis.
In pellagra, Mellanby has stated that vitamin A deficiency (caused by the use of white corn as the principle food) is the cause of spinal cord degeneration, and the associated deficiency of G causes the skin lesions in areas affected by the cord deficiency. This theory explains the "symmetrical" appearance of skin lesions. It also indicates the impossibility of a complete cure, in view of the cord degeneration.
As to its relation to anemic conditions, where there may be so many contributory factors, vitamin G has been found to be of great benefit in certain types that fail to respond properly to other treatments. It can be safely stated that anemia can specifically result from vitamin G deficiency, but that vitamin G is not necessarily beneficial in any case of low erythrocyte (blood cell) count. Vitamin C is also known to be an important factor and so are E and F. Vitamin G is likely to be found of value in secondary anemias while others are more valuable for pernicious anemia.
Sherman-Smith says of Vitamin G:
"Vitamin G is evidently a substance of coordinate importance with the longer known vitamins as an essential factor in normal nutritional and deprivation or serious shortage of this substance results in wide-spread injury to the body. Conversely, the liberal feeding of this substance may be expected to play a significant part in including a better-than-average nutritive condition."
Vitamin G deficiency has been demonstrated to be a specific cause of cataract of the eye in test animals.
We quote the Journal of Nutrition, January 1934, pages 97 -106:
"Of 72 rats receiving diet 625 (deficient in G), 70 developed cataracts between the 40th and 87th day...diagnosed by gross observation with the naked eye."
Cataract is here suggested as a more reliable and constant indication of vitamin G deficiency than the dermatitis heretofore consider specific, as its appearance is more consistent and unmistakable.
"Catalyn," because of its vitamin content, has been demonstrated to be a valuable remedy for cataract. The cataract is known to be a deposit of calcium carbonate, and to aid in its resolution, "V-P Phosphade" is very useful in the supplying of phosphorus radical to make the conversion to calcium phosphate. Because there are always many other less conspicuous deposits of calcium carbonate in the body tissues the "Catalyn" and V-P Phosphade must be taken for several months as a rule before the cataracts are affected. When the rest of the deposits are dissolved, however, the cataracts disappear with relative suddenness.
The reference given above is only 6 months old. "Catalyn" with "V-P Phosphade" has been successfully used for cataract for three years.
It will be here noted that vitamins A, C, D, F and G (probably also E) are concerned with some phase of calcium metabolism. A, causing by its absence kidney stones, C, being responsible among other things for the proper health of bone and teeth, D, ditto, but of less importance, F being an agent that increases the diffusibility of calcium, making it available to the muscle and nerve functions, while G deficiency results in morbid soft tissue deposits of calcium. Only vitamin B is omitted from this category, probably because of our present ignorance, as its antineuritic effect is no doubt wrapped up in calcium reaction.
Some day the sciences of vitamin therapy and endocrinology will establish as secondary to the study of the biochemical reactions of the alkali metal salts, with calcium as the major factor. The problems of old age itself are matters of calcium metabolism, in all probability, and most of the symptoms of senility are due to direct changes in calcium metabolism because of hormonic and vitamin deficiencies.
Why is vitamin G deficiency more productive of its specific reaction in old age? Because the vitamins act as nutritive agents for the endocrines and as age progresses, the endocrine organs become less efficient. More of the nutritional materials may be required to maintain function.
This hypothesis applies to vitamins B, C, and E as well. In children, vitamins A and D are required in relative higher amounts, somewhat less in later years.
Thank You Dr. Lee
The following is a summary of the Vitamin G Complex
Apparent Function:
1) Necessary to growth and development.
2) Necessary to cell respiration.
3) As growth stimulus, promotes normal repair processes and thereby delays senility.
4) Necessary in blood regeneration.
5) Helps to lower blood pressure.
Possible Results of Deficiency:
1) Underdevelopment and retarded growth from malnutrition.
2) Eye disorders (conjunctivitis).
3) Incipient pellagra.
4) Abnormally slow regeneration of erythrocytes (secondary anemia).
5) Cutaneous changes (pellagra symptoms, mild dermatitis).
6) Nerve lesions and irritability (Neuritis).
7) Loss of hair (alopecia).
8) Sprue
9) Interferes with normal skin respiration.
10) Alimentary tract disorders (Gastroenteritis, stomatitis, digestive disturbances).
11) Fatty infiltration and degeneration of the liver.
12) Renal manifestations (cystitis, Hemorrhagic conditions of the urine, stones--renal calculi).
13) Elevated Blood Pressure.
Results of Absence:
1) Gastrointestinal disturbances (gastroenteritis, stomatitis, ulcerative colitis, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, achlorohydria).
2) Cessation of growth.
3) Eye disorders (keratinization, severe conjunctivitis, ophthalmia, cataracts).
4) Severe pellagra.
5) Severe nerve and spinal degeneration (Mental disorders, hyperirritability).
6) Death.
Sources of Vitamin G
You can get your vitamin G with natural sources of vitamin B which include the following:
Eggs, Fish, Meat, Poultry, bananas, green vegetables, whole grains, and mushrooms. Be sure to make them natural sources of the whole grains, not the refined and processed ones with enriched vitamins. The fact that they are enriched indicates they have been depleted from their natural vitamins and have had man-made artificial ones put back in. Unfortunately, they will not have the true vitamin in its whole form and hence are worthless. Ultimately, this will cause depletion of yourself over time and will create health concerns and deficiency diseases mentioned above.
My Offer To You
If you suspect that you are suffering from a lack of vitamin G, or are just curious to see if vitamin G would benefit you, please stop into the office during the month of July, and I will be happy to test you for it. The test itself only takes a few seconds, but the potential implications are endless. If you have elevated blood pressure, if you eat more refined and less natural foods, if you eye concerns, hair loss, or digestive issues, come have the vitamin G Check. This simple test can make a huge difference in your health if you are found to be deficient and could use some vitamin G. Call The Office today and ask us to include this FREE test during your next regularly scheduled office visit during the month of July.
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