Doc Rick says, "Every year I have conversations with parents, mostly mothers about my position on vaccinations. Since I do not have children, my position on it is fully based on what I know and what I have seen. Please read the following article and strongly consider all your options before making a life changing decision." Click on the link
To Immunize or Not To Immunize?
Are You Putting Your Child At Risk?
Three years ago I discussed the Law as it is written in the State of New York, in an effort to fully inform you about your legal rights to have a choice regarding the immunization of your children before they start school, as well as what your options are regarding these rights. As promised, in this month’s newsletter, I will discuss the risks associated with immunizations and what the full story is when considering whether to immunize your child or to go without. I hope the information is helpful.
The following information was taken from several different books I have on display within the office that are available for lending, if you choose to get more information then what I am about to offer you. Among the titles, "Immunization Theory vs. Reality" by Neil Z. Miller, and "The Consumer's Guide to Childhood Vaccines" by Barbara Loe Fisher, Co-Founder and President of the National Vaccine Information Center, these books offer valuable information on vaccinations and what every parent should know and consider before blindly allowing and accepting the recommendations to have their child vaccinated. It certainly should be known, and I welcome your comments on this matter.
What Is Known and Not known About Vaccination
Vaccines theoretically work on the principle of protection by artificially stimulating the Immune System to produce antibodies--small molecules of protein that attack invading organisms--to overcome a disease in the same way the natural disease stimulates immunity. Protection from disease via vaccination depends upon the theory that periodically challenging the Immune System with small amounts of inactivated viruses and bacteria or attenuated (partially inactivated) live viruses will force it to produce antibodies that will confer immunity in the same way that a bout with the natural disease confers immunity.
However, vaccines do not work in the body in the same way that natural disease works in the body. When bacteria or viruses enter the body and disease progresses in the normal way, the Immune System is stimulated to produce a type of natural immunity which is often permanent. Vaccines, which are most often injected directly into the blood stream or swallowed by mouth, provide an artificial, temporary immunity. Sometimes vaccines fail to provide any immunity at all. This is why multiple doses of many viral and bacterial vaccines are required to "boost" and extend protection.
Critics of the mass vaccination system point to the fact that before many vaccines were introduced in the early 1900's, death and injuries from childhood diseases in technologically advanced countries such as the U.S. were already on a steep decline because of better sanitation, nutrition and health care. Although vaccination has been credited with eradicating Small Pox from the world and eliminating Polio from the Western Hemisphere, there is a scientific question as to whether vaccines can eradicate all the viruses and bacteria for which we vaccinate, no matter how many booster doses of vaccines are given. Some viruses and bacteria that cause disease in humans also live in animals and some viruses and bacteria are very adaptable and can change their character in order to survive. This may have been the case in the late 1980's when, after two decades of measles vaccinations within the U.S., a more virulent type of measles was seen in an outbreak among American children and adults.
With so many gaps in scientific knowledge about long term effects of mass vaccination, there is a growing concern that the mysterious rise in Immune and Neurological disorders during the past four decades, including learning disabilities, attention deficit disorder, asthma, autism, otitis media, diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, multiple sclerosis, chronic fatigue syndrome, cancer and other chronic health problems may be caused in part by repeated manipulation of the immune system by giving multiple doses of viral and bacterial antigens in early childhood. It is unknown whether the use of a growing number of multiple viral and bacterial vaccines is weakening the human immune system or causing genetic change.
The Timing Of Vaccination
Some doctors maintain that a child's immature Immune and Neurological Systems, which develop most rapidly within the first few years of life, are also most vulnerable to insult in the first few years of life. Others believe that it is important to wait to determine whether a newborn has an underlying Neurological or Immune System disorder or other undiagnosed health problems before vaccination begins.
Some parents, who have made the decisions to vaccinate, are choosing to begin vaccinations at a later age and are taking special precautions to keep their unvaccinated children out of daycare or crowds to reduce the risk of exposing their children to adults or other children who may be sick with serious disease.
Many parents, who have decided not to vaccinate, are consulting health care professionals who specialize in Chiropractic, Homeopathy, Naturopathy, Traditional Chinese Medicine (including acupuncture) and other holistic health care therapies which focus on enhancing the functioning of the immune system and maintaining wellness.
Other parents, however, especially those with children in daycare, are choosing to begin vaccinating early but are allowing only one or two different vaccinations to be given simultaneously rather than three or four at a time. Some parents are choosing to space vaccinations further apart so that, if a reaction occurs, there is less confusion about which vaccine may have caused the reaction.
Because the U.S. Federal Vaccine Policy today allows a one-year old child to be vaccinated with as many as 10 different viral and bacterial vaccines on one day, you should consider whether you want your child to get just one or two vaccines or many different vaccines on one day. Whatever option you choose, becoming better informed about your options will make you more comfortable with your decision.
Check The Vial And Keep Records
Whenever your child receives a vaccination, it is a good idea to check the vial of vaccine to make sure it is the type of vaccine that you have agreed to give your child and that the expiration date on the vial is not expired. You may want to consider asking for a new, unopened vial of vaccine.
A parent should always ask for their own personal copy of the vaccination record to keep in a file at home. This record should include the type of vaccine, date and lot number.
What You Should Do
If you are a new parent, or are planning on becoming a parent for the first time or perhaps again, you should consider doing this in the best way possible. Learn form you previous mistakes, or learn from the mistakes of others. Take the time to get fully educated on the subject before you blindly accept the insistence that it has to be done, put out there by the medical establishment. Fear is a strong motivator, and becoming fully informed allows you to make a solid decision without fear of negative outcomes.
To ALL Current and Potential Patients: Since we ALL know people who are having children, please forward this information to them and ask them to consider what is written here. For more information about vaccinations, please stop into the office at 320 Robinson Avenue, Newburgh, New York 12550 or call the Office at (845) 561-2225 and ask us to send you the information entitled Eight Important Questions to ask BEFORE you vaccinate your child, along with the recipe for developing a strong and healthy Immune System NATURALLY within your child. This is a free service. Also go to and do some reading there. Likewise, the information is FREE;-)
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