Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Understanding The Importance of Vitamin E

Doc Rick says, "If you have any issues related to your skin or hormones, you'll choose to learn about this valuable all purpose vitamin complex. Learn about the Importance of Vitamin E.
Continuing on with our discussion about Understanding The Importance Of It, we move on to vitamin E, and introduce a not so known vitamin, vitamin F.  And again, this information was originally written by Dr. Royal Lee, DDS, who spent his life researching, manufacturing, and educating those who would listen, about the importance of whole foods for helping the body repair, rebuild and maintain itself.  The information is taken from an article he wrote back in June of 1934 and published originally in his Vitamin News.  It has been reprinted as Part of The Royal Lee Library Series, published by The International Foundation for Nutrition and Health.  Please read what follows and consider the importance of how this information applies to you and your overall health.  Thank you for your consideration.
Vitamin  E was first established as a fat-soluble principle that was necessary to prevent atrophy of certain gonad structures in both male and female, resulting in sterility.  The damage is more permanent in the male, while relatively curable by restoration of the vitamin in the female.
Vitamin A is just as essential to prevent sterility as the vitaminE, but "E" has been termed the anti-sterility vitamin because that characteristic led to its discovery, which, being relatively recent, accounts for the lack of information in the literature regarding its other important attributes.
Clinically, our vitamin E concentrate has been found valuable in the treatment of sterility of both sexes.  Probably the most common indication ov vitamin E deficiency is disappearence of the sex instinct, or its failure to appear at all, the former being more common in the male; the latter in the female.
It should be understood that the vitamin E is not a sex stimulant.  In treating a condition of deficiency the effect on function is merely that of a tendency to renew normality.
In our experience, mysterious pains, suspected of neuritic or arthralgic originn persons beyond middle age, have been one indication frequency encountered that can be successfully treated with vitamin E concentrate, particularly those cases complaining of severe pains that were not variable in location, and seemed to be originating from a small center of activity.
Vitamin E cooperates with vitamin E, not only in preventing sterility, but in other functions of vitamin A--the maintenance of normal epithelial metabolism.  It is a useful aid in correcting conditions like eczema, urticaria and dermatitis.
Vitamin E from different cereal sources has been found by us as well as other investigators to have quite different characteristics.  This we consider to  be due to the varying proportions of two distinct vitamins.
We have taken the liberty of designating the new one vitamin "F" ("F" being otherwise an orphan in the vitamin alphabet since the accepted change in the previous "F" back to "B").  We consider this "F" to be identical with Mirvish's calcium depressor found in oatmeal.  It is also present in considerable amounts in rye, but there appears to be little in wheat.  It is biochemically an antidote for vitamin D, as it causes a reduction in serum calcium.  The use of oatmeal water by farmers and others as a beverage while at work in the hot sun is scientifically justified by this discovery.  Sunstroke can be considered as largely a condition of vitamin D toxicosis, and vitamin F the preventative.
Both vitamin F and E are fat-soluble nominally, being found in the oil or fat component of the cereal, but they are also soluble in considerable degree in water.  The vitamin E present enormously stimulates the propagation of the yeast and other micro-organisms in a aqueous extract of wheat germ while the same extract with the oil removed is fairly stable.
The "F" seems to be more water soluble than the "E" and the report once made that vitamin E was of value in anemia is, no doubt, due to the presence of "F."  We have found our "F" concentrate particularly valuableas an aid in anemias, and it creates a healthy, slightly tanned color of the skin, that is hardly compatible with anemic conditions, in a surprisingly short time.  This, no doubt, is part of the vitamin D antagonizing action.
Vitamin F probably acts on the blood calcium by first converting the non-diffusible into the diffusible, thereby permitting its escape into the tissues, ultimately arriving within the cells causing their distention and opposing tissue edema.  This effect improves the function of the glandular organs, and tones up all tissues, noticeable particularly in the skin.  It is a growth factor; in the young probably feeds the thymus, in particular; in the adult, the spleen and gonads--these are the calcium depressors.
Because it causes the appropriation of calcium by the soft tissues and muscles, while the action of vitamin D is to cause appropriation by bone growth, it will be in the absence of vitamin D aggrivate and help to bring on rickets.  Where both vitamins are present, a normal balance permits a proper supply of this necessary calcium to both classes of tissues.
Vitamin F, then, is valuable for:
    1) Anemic conditions (of deficiency origin)
     2) As a remedy in edematous conditions (is effective in those cases where other measures fail)
     3) For cosmetic effect--improves skin color, and "deflated" tissues are restored.
Neither our vitamin E concentrate nor the "F" concentrate tablets are free from other vitamins.  Rather, they are made from sources in which one vitamin predominates, and the accompanying complementaryn vitamin is permitted to remain.  Therefore, the concentrate should be selected for a particular case with the more outstanding necessity in mind and it can be taken for granted that results desired from the other vitamin will be accomplished by the use of the one concentrate.
There is a possibility that vitamin F will be useful in the treatment of arthritis -- for only the reasonthat vitamin D aggrivates that disease, and "F" is the antagonist of "D."  We have already mentioned that our vitamin E (with its accompanying "F") is useful in treating arthritic pains.  We will have more information to offer on the subject in the near future.
Thank You Dr. Lee. 
Vitamin E:
Apparent function:
1) Necessary to reproduction in both male and female (necessary to prevent irreparable sterility in male.) 
2) Necessary to maintenance of mental alertness.
3) Necessary for growth and vigor.
4) Possibly to prevent carcinoma.
5) Necessary to resistance to infections.
6) Possibly to prevent paralysis of young (from vitamin E-deficient mothers).
7) Vermafuge (possibly due to associated principles).
8) Some influence on the endocrines (pituitary, anterior pituitary).
Possible Results of Deficiency:
1) Loss of weight, retarded growth, weakness.
2) Wasting of muscles, paralysis.
3) Lowered resistance in infections (particularly infantile paralysis).
4) Sterility (Temporary in female--interference placental fuction) (Permanent in male--irreparable seminiferous epithelial injury).
Results of Absence:
1) Severe paralysis.
2) Disturbances of latter stages of pregnancy, producing sterility (fetal resorption and habitual abortion).
3) Roughness, falling out (alopecia) and altering texture of the hair.
4) Possible tendency to malignancies.
Vitamin F:
Apparent Functions:
1) Necessary to healthy epidermis (protection against infection).
2) Maintains normal growth and reproduction.
3) May be necessary to maintain normal blood sugar (possibly related to insulin secretion).
4) Necessary for cell respiration.
5) Necessary for hair health.
6) Necessary to brain function and probably to function of other nerve tissue.
Possible Results of Deficiency:
1) Epidermal manifestations (ridged and split fingernails, eczematous conditions, dermatitis--infantile and allergic, scurf, dandruff and hemorrhagic spots on the skin).
2) Brittle and falling out of hair (alopecia).
3) Involvement of endocrine glands (pituitary in particular).
4) Involvement of visceral organs (particularly the kidneys).
5) Lowers the resistance to allergies.
6) Susceptability ti vitamin D poisoning.
7) Loss of sex instinct.
8) Lowered resistance to infections (tuberculosis, in particular).
Results of Absence:
1) Cessation of growth and substancial death.
2) Severe renal manifestations (hematuria, albuminaria, and severe nephritis).
3) Sterility (Impaired and irregular ovulation with interference with mechanism of labor in the female), (loss of sex potentia with eventual sterility in the male).
What You Should Consider
If you feel you may be suffering from a deficiency in vitamin E or vitamin F because of the various related signs and symptoms associated with each of these vitamin complexes, and you are experiencing one or more of them, please consider having that checked.  A simple evaluation that takes literally seconds to do is warrented if you value your health and would choose to improve it.  The results I have seen in my life and those of other practice members who take the time to evaluate their specific circumstance are well worth the investment.
My Offer To You
If you feel you have a deficiency and would like to know, please call the Office and ask us to put you in for the Vitamin E Check.  Bring your vitamin E supplement, if you have one, and we can determine together if it is working for you, and then how much you need to take.  If it isn't working for you, we have available to you the highest quality complete vitamin E complex in the form of Standard Process Cataplex E.  If it is applicable, we will recommend that and determine what your ideal dosage would be.  So call The Office at (845)561-BACK (2225) and ask us to put you in for the Vitamin E Check, and we'll include vitamin F as well.  But you must act fast, as this $75.00 value will be gone at the end of May.  So call NOW and ask Us to include that in your next regularly scheduled office visit.  I look forward to serving you.

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