Monday, March 21, 2011


Doc Rick says, "If you'd like to help yourself most during the Year of NEW BEGINNINGS, strongly consider and then do the Doctor Supervised Detoxification Program, supervised by myself, Dr. Huntoon." Click on the link to learn the many reasons why.
Detoxification sounds like something a person needs if they are recovering from an overdose of recreational drugs, or from drinking too much alcohol over the years.  And that would be true.  But for the average individual who eats and breathes, Detoxification has become a necessary process if you want to, not only improve your health, but maintain your health as well.  Consider the problem of Toxicity where in recent history, mankind has managed to drastically change the chemistry of the environment in which we live.  As an example, in 1996 alone, more than 418 million pounds of chemicals were released into the ground, threatening those areas soils where foods are grown and the natural underground water tables that supply some of our drinking water.  Also of note, 45 million pounds of chemicals were discharged into surface waters such as lakes and rivers.  More than 1 billion pounds of chemical emissions were pumped into the air that we breathe.  A grand total of 2.4 billion pounds of chemical pollutants were released into the environment we eat, breathe, and live in-all in just one year.
To increase the problem of our toxic environment, we have refined away much of the nutritional value of our food supply and replaced it with artificial colors, preservatives, flavors, conditioners, etc.  This poor quality diet--combined with the extensive use of antibiotics in medicine and agriculture--may have predisposed many of us to experience all kinds of "internal" pollution.  Internal pollution occurs when toxins enter the body from the environment or are produced by unhealthy bacteria in the intestines.  Internal pollution negatively impacts many aspects of our overall health.
Does Toxicity Affect Me?
What does the problem of toxicity mean for the average individual?  It may present a threat to the vital level of health you could enjoy.  But whether you succumb to the adverse effects of toxicity depends upon your knowledge of the subject, and the choices that you make.  You need to take personal responsibility to ensure that you DO NOT fall victim to toxicity.  That involves learning what you need to do to help your body protect itself from toxicity. This can be done by paying attention to the following:  Do all you can to purify your work and home environments.  Remove as many of the sources of chemicals, insecticides, cleaning agents, etc. as possible from both the work and home.  Consider an effective air and water purification system when needed.  Protective clothing and breathing apparatus should be worn when using any toxic materials.  Regular replacement of furnace and air conditioning filters may also be helpful.
It is also important to eat a good diet with plenty of fresh wholesome foods.  Avoid eating excess refined fat, refined sugar, and foods high in additives and preservatives.  In other words, eat only natural, fresh foods.  Eat more organic vegetables and meats from organically raised animals whenever possible.  Drink plenty of water ( 1 quart for every 50 lbs. of body weight, every day).  A home water purification system is highly recommended to provide pure water for drinking and cooking.
Support Your Body's Efforts To Eliminate Toxins
Appreciate that it is virtually impossible to avoid toxicity completely.  With that understanding, the importance of supporting your body's efforts to eliminate the accumulated toxins cannot be overstated.  This can be accomplished through a properly administered detoxification program.  Formerly it was believed that a water or juice fast was a preferred detox program.  This was based on the opinion that by eliminating food from the digestive tract, that the body will then be able to clear the stored toxins and heal itself.  Now that modern day research supports the understanding that the body's detoxification system is a heavily nutrient-supported process, simple juice or water fasts are no longer the method of choice.  Prolonged fasting may weaken muscles and various organs because of protein losses and gradual slowing of metabolic activity as the body endeavors to conserve its depleted energy sources. 
A much better approach to detoxification is to nourish the body thoroughly, fueling its natural detoxification mechanism with the nutrients needed to achieve optimal detoxification activity.  By providing high quality protein, complex carbohydrates, and essential fats, the body gets what it needs to prevent muscle and organ breakdown and depleted energy resources.  But that is just the beginning.  Nutrients are needed to support the function of the organs directly involved in detoxification: The Liver, the Intestinal Tract, the Kidneys, as well as, the Lungs and the Skin. By supporting all 5 of these elimination organs and the systems they belong to will thus allow your body to purge itself of its current toxins in a natural and harmonious way. 
Consider Our Detoxification Program
Developed over a period of 10 years, the current version of the detoxification program offered at Advanced Alternative Medicine Center is a complete program designed to handle all of the needs of the body to assist in the elimination of those toxins that have accumulated over the years.  Having participated in the program myself, before introducing it to my practice members, I personally lost 19 pounds of toxins and wastes that were accumulating within my elimination organs and systems over a 33 year period.  And through it all, I felt energized and vital throughout the 23 day process.  I highly recommend this program to anyone who is serious about improving their health and willing to go to that next level of wellness by doing this program.  And the best part?  This is the Ideal Time to take advantage, as the energy for Spring Cleaning is Right NOW! 
The basic program consists of 9 days of slowly preparing your body for a purging cleanse of the Liver/Gall bladder and Intestinal Systems.  Then during days 10 through 12, 13, 14 or 15, depending on how long you want to purge your body, you will be asked to eat minimal fruit and vegetables while drinking several different drinks designed to clean out your Intestinal System and a nightly drink designed to purge your Liver/Gall bladder System.  Then you will begin to slowly return to a normal diet over the last 9 days.  Since the program recommends using only high quality Organic food, you will need a certain amount of preparation in order to obtain the recommended foods.  Our office maintains resources that will help you to shop for the required ingredients, as well as the necessary Nutritional Drink Formula ingredients required to assist the body in detoxification, while maintaining high amounts of energy in the process.      
My Offer To You
If you are a Current Practice Member and would like to participate in the Best Time of Year to clean out your filters, call the office at (845) 561-BACK (2225) and tell us to sign you up for the Doctor Supervised Detoxification Program.  We will tell you what is involved and what you can expect, as I have personally done the program 4 times.  Since the time for this program is best during the next 8 weeks (offer expires April 30, 2011), I will make available to you our Detoxification Manual (a $ 30.00 value), along with a 30 minute consultation to answer any and all of your questions while determining which version and length of program is ideal for you, (a $ 75.00 value) All At NO CHARGE!  That's right, a $100.00 value FREE!!  This is my gift to you for demonstrating your willingness to help yourself by using our program.  And in return, I know you will be getting an amazing program designed to help you clean out all your garbage and set the stage for improving your health to the highest level possible.  Call The Office Today, and tell us you want your Doctor Supervised Detoxification Program that includes the Detox Manual and the 30 minute consultation with me, a $ 100.00 value Absolutely FREE!!!
If You Are A Potential New Practice Member, and would like to participate in this program, simply call the office at (845) 561-BACK (2225) and I will extend to you the same courtesy.  You too will get the Doctor Supervised Detoxification Program Manual and the 30 minute consultation with me, Dr. Huntoon, a $100.00 value in total, absolutely FREE.  That's right, it's FREE.  So call the office at (845) 561-BACK (2225) and tell me you want to take advantage of this incredible offer.  You want to Detoxify your whole body and give yourself the opportunity to regain your health and set the stage for your best health yet.  Call The Office Today!
As always, we offer a Free Health Care Class every Tuesday at 6:30 pm in the Newburgh Office.  This is your chance to have all your tough health questions answered by Dr. Huntoon himself.  Since this class is FREE, we require reservations to secure your spot for the class.  So call The Office at (845) 561 BACK (2225) if you are interested in making a reservation for yourself or your family and friends.
To sign up for this free newsletter simply go to and click on Newsletter Sign Up next to “Main Menu.”  Then simply type your name and e-mail address and click on all of the selections and you will begin receiving my FREE Newsletters in your e-mail box every morning that they go out.

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