Stop Sweating Life
Doc Rick says, "If you use an antiperspirant in an effort to stop your sweating/perspiring, you'll choose to consider what this article says. With many people suffering with Alzheimer’s Disease and other neurological symptoms related to memory loss, understanding this information is important."
Stop Sweating Life
How many of you reading this article use either an anti-perspirant or a combination anti-perspirant and deodorant? If you do, you might be interested in knowing that the chief ingredient in either is Aluminum. The Aluminum is designed to stop the wetness, hence the anti-perspirant. What you may not be aware of is that every time you roll on you anti-perspirant, you are creating the basis for a toxic effect in your body from that Aluminum. Since the anti-perspirant is being applied to an area of the body that sweats easily, as this is stopping the wetness, it is also creating the basis for Heavy Metal Toxicity. The Aluminum is able to flow across the skin and into the bloodstream, where it gets carried to the Liver and, possibly to the Brain. Over time this creates heavy metal toxicity, which research has shown may contribute to conditions such as Parasites, Disc Herniations and Alzheimer's Disease. Why is this true? For the simple reason that when the Aluminum is absorbed into the body (due to the difference in concentration gradient) it vibrates at a particular frequency of energy. Appreciating that everything in life has its own unique, distinct energy to it, the particular frequency involved with Aluminum, or any other heavy metal absorbed by the body, will send out a message that attracts parasites. This is because parasites feed off of the heavy metals. They are naturally attracted to them. Therefore, the more heavy metals you place into the body (either from anti-perspirants, mercury fillings, cooking utensils, PBB's and PCB's from computers screens, cell phones, high tension wires and television screens, etc., or eating tuna or other fish high in heavy metals), the more likely your body will have absorbed these heavy metals and their derivatives. This leads to contracting parasites, which will help the body initially. Over time, the parasites will keep the heavy metals in check, but they will also create the basis for disc herniations, as the parasites end up feeding off the tough fibrous connective tissue associated with the outer layer of the disc. This tough fibrous tissue is known as the Annulus Fibrosis. Once the Annulus is compromised, herniations can result from something as simple as bending over for a dime, or even rolling over in bed.
Now, if the Heavy Metals begin to accumulate in the Brain, and we are dealing specifically with Aluminum, this will contribute to Alzheimer's Disease. The deposits of Aluminum accumulate within the brain tissue and interfere with how the brain functions and remembers. This is one reason why a person will suffer with memory loss as they get older. Something to consider before you get older.
What If I Suspect Heavy Metal Toxicity?
If you suspect that you suffer from Heavy Metal Toxicity, either because you have Disc Herniations, Difficulty with constipation, failing memory, or if you use an anti-perspirant regularly, you'll want to come into the office and allow me to see if there are any underlying causes of those conditions related to Heavy Metals and Heavy Metal Toxicity. The tests themselves are completely painless, and I can give you an understanding if you have a problem immediately.
My Offer To You
To All Current Patients, in preparation for Detoxification, I will be happy to screen you for Heavy Metals, Parasites and your predisposition to Alzheimer's Disease, as well as have you bring in your anti-perspirant so we can determine if your body has difficulty using it. This is normally a $ 75.00 value, and I will do it at no cost to you. That's right, it's FREE. But you must call and secure your spot before the end of March. As of May 1, 2011, the offer will be gone. Simply call The Office and tell us to put you in for the Heavy Metal/Parasite Test. With the test, we can discuss the treatment solutions available to you if you suffer with these, or what to do to prevent your body from getting these conditions. So call The Office TODAY at (845) 561-BACK (2225) and secure your spot.
To All Potential New Patients, I would like to extend to you the same offer. Call The Office and tell us you'd like to have the Heavy Metal/Parasite Test and I will help you appreciate how that might fit into your overall health picture. So Call The Office NOW at (845) 561-BACK (2225) and tell us you are a New Patient, but want to take advantage of the FREE Heavy Metal/Parasite Test. Again this normally is a $75.00 value, and will be yours FREE until the end of March. As of May 1st, 2011, the offer will be gone. So Call The Office Today!
As Always, we offer FREE Health Care Classes every Tuesday Evening at 6:30 in the Newburgh Office located at 320 Robinson Avenue. Come have all of your health related questions answered, and have the opportunity to receive a FREE Evaluation. Call The Office at (845) 561-BACK (2225) and reserve your spot today. Since class size is limited, reservations are required. Call The Office TODAY!
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