Whiplash - Getting Well Naturally
You're driving to work and stop for a red light. You're minding your own business and - bam! - your car rocks forward and backward, slammed in the rear by another car driven by some guy yakking on his cell phone. Or for reasons known only to yourself you decide it's a good idea to go bungee jumping. Significant physical forces blast through your body as you helplessly bounce back and forth, dangling in the air like a gaffed flying fish. If you're lucky you'll get better in a few days.
Developing Your Core
Core muscle strength helps reduce the impact of a whiplash injury. Your core muscle layer is the deepest layer of muscles in your body. Core muscles include very small muscles that connect two vertebras, thin sheets of muscle that connect groups of vertebras, the four muscle groups that comprise the abdominal muscles, and various small muscles that stabilize the pelvic floor.
Core muscles are trained during your regular strength-training routines. These muscles provide stabilization when you work any of the major large muscle groups. Pilates routines, yoga, and aerobic exercise such as biking, swimming, and running also help train the core. Additionally, specific core training exercises help maximize core muscle strength. All that's required to do a great specific core workout is an exercise mat.
When core muscles are toned and strengthened, their ability to withstand unusual physical forces is significantly increased. A whiplash injury will momentarily deform core spinal musculature, but the muscles will be able to better tolerate the physical stress and the degree of injury, if any, will be reduced.
You're driving to work and stop for a red light. You're minding your own business and - bam! - your car rocks forward and backward, slammed in the rear by another car driven by some guy yakking on his cell phone. Or you're a passenger in a New York City taxi. The driver's cruising down Fifth Avenue when a teenager suddenly dashes into the intersection, running across the street against the light. The cabbie slams on the brakes and your head rocks forcefully backward and forward.
Or for reasons known only to yourself you decide it's a good idea to go bungee jumping. You dive into space, the cord extends, and finally the cord is fully played out. Significant physical forces blast through your body as you helplessly bounce back and forth, dangling in the air like a gaffed flying fish.
The result of each of these demonstrations of Isaac Newton's First Law of Motion? Later that day, or possibly within several days, you begin to experience neck pain. You might also have shoulder pain, headache, nausea, dizziness, and pain or numbness traveling down one or both arms. You have whiplash - a traumatic injury to the muscles, ligaments, and spinal joints of your neck and upper back.1,2
If you're lucky you'll get better in a few days. If the injuries are moderate or severe the various complaints will linger and may even get worse. As with any injury or illness, if you're not getting better right away you need to see your doctor. As you've suffered an injury to your head and neck, it may be a good idea to see your doctor as soon as you can, in any case, even if you think the injury is mild.
Your chiropractor is an excellent choice for examination and evaluation of injuries due to whiplash. She will be able to determine the nature and extent of the damage to muscle, ligament, and bone. Taking an x-ray series is a very important part of the evaluation of whiplash, as even seemingly modest forces can result in fracture of one or more vertebras in your neck. Evaluation of nerve function, including both spinal nerves and cranial nerves, is critically important. Pain and/or numbness radiating into one or both arms suggests injury to a cervical nerve root and needs to be thoroughly assessed.
If no fractures have been identified, chiropractic treatment can begin immediately. Over time, chiropractic treatment helps reduce inflammation of injured muscles and ligaments. Over time, chiropractic treatment helps restore normal ranges of motion to your neck and upper back. With this natural form of healing you begin to make incremental, steady progress, recovering the ability to participate in all your daily activities with reduced levels of pain and discomfort.
Chiropractic treatment provides optimal therapy for whiplash injuries, allowing your body to recover and return to normal by utilizing its own restorative powers.3
1Kasch H, et al: Clinical assessment of prognostic factors for long-term pain and handicap after whiplash injury: a 1-year prospective study. Eur J Neurol 15(11):1222-1230, 2008
2Chen HB, et al: Biomechanics of whiplash injury. Chin J Traumatol 12(5):305-314, 2009
3Michaleff ZA, et al: A randomised clinical trial of a comprehensive exercise program for chronic whiplash: trial protocol. BMC Musculoskeletal Disord 10:149, 2009 (12/2/09)
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Allergies Got Your Stuffed Up?
Doc Rick says, "If allergies get you stuffed up this time of year, then you will definitely be interested in the offer I have for you. Click on the link and read what you will choose to take advantage of."
Natural Allergy Solutions
Since this is the time of year that many of you begin to suffer with Air-borne allergies, I wanted to offer you the natural solutions for all your allergy needs. But before we get into that, it is always important to understand the mechanism of a problem, so you can address the real cause, and then prevent the problem once and for all. And this is the real purpose for this newsletter.
Why Do I Get Allergies?
This is one of the most common questions I hear in my office. And it has been for the past 16 years. This is why I went to learn two different allergy techniques to help address them. The first is called Nambudripad Allergy Elimination Technique, (NAET) and the second is called Total Body Modification (TBM). NAET was the first technique I learned and was very effective, but involved a person staying away from their specific allergen for a period of 24 hours. Many times this was too inconvenient, so I continued to research for a better solution and was introduced to TBM. This method is quite effective and when the person's been properly prepared, I can use this technique to eliminate an allergen within about 30 seconds. And the person can then go right back to their life-style without any avoidance period. This has made treatment much more user-friendly for the practice member.
To understand why you get allergies, one must first understand the mechanism for them. Allergies result from incomplete breakdown of whole proteins, followed by the absorption of those whole proteins into the blood stream. Under normal digestion, these whole proteins should be broken down into their basic building blocks known as amino acids, before being absorbed into the blood stream. The amino acids are then delivered to the Liver for the assignment of repairing and rebuilding within the body.
So what would cause a person to begin having allergies? There exists a common condition among allergy sufferers where there is an imbalance within the digestive system as a result of, among other things, antibiotic therapy. I mention this specifically because it is so common in this country, and it is something everyone must understand, especially if you have progressed to the point of having allergies. What occurs within the body as a result of antibiotic therapy is a loss of healthy digestive bacteria, and the basis for an overgrowth of digestive yeast and candidia, two normal fungi that also assist in the digestive process.
How does one know if they suffer from this imbalance? One may notice an increase craving for sugar, along with the symptoms of intestinal gas and bloating. This is an indication that the overgrowth of yeast and Candidia has taken place. As a consequence, complete digestion cannot take place, and it results in incomplete protein breakdown. When the proteins fail to fully break down, they will then cross the digestive system wall and enter into the bloodstream. This should never take place. The Immune System, which is designed to attack foreign invaders that enter the blood stream, including whole proteins, will now attack these undigested proteins. The Immune response then generates the release of histamine from the cells, which most have come to know as the Allergy Reaction.
Once a person has this imbalance, and the Immune System continues to attack these undigested proteins, the Immune System will begin to have trouble rebuilding its immune cells. This is because the cells are formed from the amino acid building blocks that the digestive system is not delivering due to the incomplete protein digestion. As a consequence, the Immune System begins to fail, and the person finds themselves getting sick all the time.
Another component to this complex imbalance within the body results from the ingestion of dairy and cheese. By eating these foods in conjunction to having the overgrowth of yeast and Candidia will result in the body producing excess amounts of mucus. If this mucus develops in the intestinal system, stagnant digestion known as constipation results. If it effects the respiratory system, asthma, airborne allergies and sinus congestion results. If the mucus then traps infection, it can lead to sinus infections or lung infections. And the treatment for this would be the antibiotic therapy. Unfortunately, if you have understood what you have read here, you will realize that the antibiotic therapy created much of this imbalance to begin with. As a result, by continuing to repeat the process, without restoring normal balance, you will never get out of the cycle.
What Can I Do For My Allergies?
The most important thing you can do is work to improve the functioning of your digestive system. Until this returns to normal, your Immune System will continue to attack the undigested proteins from your diet, and you will continue to have allergies. While this process of improving your digestion is occurring, it would benefit you not to have certain foods within your diet. These include, milk, cheese, vinegar, alcohol, sugar, breads, pastas and cereals. The reason for these limits is because each of them goes to feeding the problem. And until the elimination occurs, you will continue to have allergies.
In the mean time, there are several natural remedies designed to help assist in eliminating the symptoms of allergies. The first of these is the TBM technique I mentioned at the beginning of this newsletter. All you need to do is come into the office and allow me to evaluate you for some basic sensitivities/allergies, and then we can go after whatever your body is sensitive to. To assist in the process, we have a few natural supplements and homeopathic remedies as well. The main nutritional assistants products of Standard Process are Antronex, which is a natural antihistamine to be taken regularly during the allergy season, and Allerplex, designed to combat the effects of the allergic response as well as asthma. We would also want to consider Cal-Amo, as most people who suffer with allergies are too alkaline. Herbal remedies for allergies from Mediherb include Albezia Complex, or Euphrasia Complex and potentially Livco. Each are designed to support the natural response to the allergic reaction within the body. Last, but not least, we have two very helpful homeopathic remedies, one called Allergy Remedy, designed specifically for allergies, and the other would be ER 911, which assists the body by quieting the alarm response within the nervous system.
My Offer To You
If you suffer with allergies, or know of someone who does, ask them to call the office and speak to Dr. Huntoon about scheduling an appointment to have your allergies evaluated. As Spring is upon us, before it gets too warm and all the buds start popping up, why not get a head start on combating these uncomfortable allergies and get some relief. Stop into the office and consider being evaluated for the proper combination of remedies necessary to alleviate all your allergies. But you'll want to do this before they fully kick in. If you wait until you are experiencing symptoms of allergies, it will be much harder to get the system to stop the cycle. So don't wait, and schedule yourself for the "This is the year I don't get allergies Test!" Simply call the Office at (845)561-2225 and tell us you want to come in and be evaluated for eliminating all your allergies. This $75.00 value will be available at no cost to anyone who wants to be checked for allergies through the end of April. That's right, it's FREE! But only for the next 4 weeks. So you'll have to hurry. Call the Office TODAY at (845)561-2225 and ask us to schedule you for the FREE This is the year I don't get allergies Test.
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Doc Rick’s When Your Health Matters airs every THURSDAY on The Alternative Healthcare Radio Network on WGHQ 920AM; WBNR 1260AM; and WLNA 1420AM on the radio dial and streaming from http://www.thealternativehealthcarenetwork.com/ Now you can also hear Doc Rick on Clear Channel’s WKIP-AM 1450 SATURDAYS from 9.00am and WRWD-FM 107.3 SUNDAYS from 6.30am.
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Tuesday Evening FREE Health Care Class
Doc Rick says, "If you want to understand How Vitamin C controls the Strength of your Immune System, then you will want to attend this FREE Health Care Class held in the Newburgh Office beginning at 6:30 pm." Please click on the following link for more information.
If you want to understand How Vitamin C controls the strength of your Immune System, then you will want to attend this FREE Health Care Class held at the Newburgh Office beginning at 6:30 pm.
As Spring is here and the trees will be blooming, you will want to be sure your Immune System is strong. Come learn how to strengthen your Immune System and learn which Vitamin C supplement will help your Immune System thrive. Simply call the Office at (845)561-2225 and ask Dr. Huntoon to include you in our next FREE Health Care Class.
If you know of someone who suffers from weak Immunity and could benefit from understanding How Vitamin C helps build a strong Immune System, please forward them this e-mail. Ask them to go to www.spineboy.com and click on FREE Health Care Class Schedule and Topics under the Main Menu. Then ask them to call the Office at (845)561-2225 and tell Dr. Huntoon to schedule them for our next FREE Health Care Class. I look forward to seeing you at our next FREE Health Care Class.
To sign up for this free newsletter simply go to www.spineboy.com and click on Newsletter Sign Up next to “Main Menu.” Then simply type your name and e-mail address and click on all of the selections and you will begin receiving my FREE Newsletters in your e-mail box every morning that they go out.
If you want to understand How Vitamin C controls the strength of your Immune System, then you will want to attend this FREE Health Care Class held at the Newburgh Office beginning at 6:30 pm.
As Spring is here and the trees will be blooming, you will want to be sure your Immune System is strong. Come learn how to strengthen your Immune System and learn which Vitamin C supplement will help your Immune System thrive. Simply call the Office at (845)561-2225 and ask Dr. Huntoon to include you in our next FREE Health Care Class.
If you know of someone who suffers from weak Immunity and could benefit from understanding How Vitamin C helps build a strong Immune System, please forward them this e-mail. Ask them to go to www.spineboy.com and click on FREE Health Care Class Schedule and Topics under the Main Menu. Then ask them to call the Office at (845)561-2225 and tell Dr. Huntoon to schedule them for our next FREE Health Care Class. I look forward to seeing you at our next FREE Health Care Class.
To sign up for this free newsletter simply go to www.spineboy.com and click on Newsletter Sign Up next to “Main Menu.” Then simply type your name and e-mail address and click on all of the selections and you will begin receiving my FREE Newsletters in your e-mail box every morning that they go out.
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Tuesday's Free Healthcare Class
Doc Rick says, "If you want to understand How Vitamin C controls the Strength of your Immune System, then you will want to attend this FREE Health Care Class held in the Newburgh Office beginning at 6:30 pm." Please click on the following link for more information.
If you want to understand How Vitamin C controls the strength of your Immune System, then you will want to attend this FREE Health Care Class held at the Newburgh Office beginning at 6:30 pm.
As Spring is here and the trees will be blooming, you will want to be sure your Immune System is strong. Come learn how to strengthen your Immune System and learn which Vitamin C supplement will help your Immune System thrive. Simply call the Office at (845)561-2225 and ask Dr. Huntoon to include you in our next FREE Health Care Class.
If you know of someone who suffers from weak Immunity and could benefit from understanding How Vitamin C helps build a strong Immune System, please forward them this e-mail. Ask them to go to www.spineboy.com and click on FREE Health Care Class Schedule and Topics under the Main Menu. Then ask them to call the Office at (845)561-2225 and tell Dr. Huntoon to schedule them for our next FREE Health Care Class. I look forward to seeing you at our next FREE Health Care Class.
To sign up for this free newsletter simply go to www.spineboy.com and click on Newsletter Sign Up next to “Main Menu.” Then simply type your name and e-mail address and click on all of the selections and you will begin receiving my FREE Newsletters in your e-mail box every morning that they go out.
If you want to understand How Vitamin C controls the strength of your Immune System, then you will want to attend this FREE Health Care Class held at the Newburgh Office beginning at 6:30 pm.
As Spring is here and the trees will be blooming, you will want to be sure your Immune System is strong. Come learn how to strengthen your Immune System and learn which Vitamin C supplement will help your Immune System thrive. Simply call the Office at (845)561-2225 and ask Dr. Huntoon to include you in our next FREE Health Care Class.
If you know of someone who suffers from weak Immunity and could benefit from understanding How Vitamin C helps build a strong Immune System, please forward them this e-mail. Ask them to go to www.spineboy.com and click on FREE Health Care Class Schedule and Topics under the Main Menu. Then ask them to call the Office at (845)561-2225 and tell Dr. Huntoon to schedule them for our next FREE Health Care Class. I look forward to seeing you at our next FREE Health Care Class.
To sign up for this free newsletter simply go to www.spineboy.com and click on Newsletter Sign Up next to “Main Menu.” Then simply type your name and e-mail address and click on all of the selections and you will begin receiving my FREE Newsletters in your e-mail box every morning that they go out.
Stop Sweating Life
Stop Sweating Life
Doc Rick says, "If you use an antiperspirant in an effort to stop your sweating/perspiring, you'll choose to consider what this article says. With many people suffering with Alzheimer’s Disease and other neurological symptoms related to memory loss, understanding this information is important."
Stop Sweating Life
How many of you reading this article use either an anti-perspirant or a combination anti-perspirant and deodorant? If you do, you might be interested in knowing that the chief ingredient in either is Aluminum. The Aluminum is designed to stop the wetness, hence the anti-perspirant. What you may not be aware of is that every time you roll on you anti-perspirant, you are creating the basis for a toxic effect in your body from that Aluminum. Since the anti-perspirant is being applied to an area of the body that sweats easily, as this is stopping the wetness, it is also creating the basis for Heavy Metal Toxicity. The Aluminum is able to flow across the skin and into the bloodstream, where it gets carried to the Liver and, possibly to the Brain. Over time this creates heavy metal toxicity, which research has shown may contribute to conditions such as Parasites, Disc Herniations and Alzheimer's Disease. Why is this true? For the simple reason that when the Aluminum is absorbed into the body (due to the difference in concentration gradient) it vibrates at a particular frequency of energy. Appreciating that everything in life has its own unique, distinct energy to it, the particular frequency involved with Aluminum, or any other heavy metal absorbed by the body, will send out a message that attracts parasites. This is because parasites feed off of the heavy metals. They are naturally attracted to them. Therefore, the more heavy metals you place into the body (either from anti-perspirants, mercury fillings, cooking utensils, PBB's and PCB's from computers screens, cell phones, high tension wires and television screens, etc., or eating tuna or other fish high in heavy metals), the more likely your body will have absorbed these heavy metals and their derivatives. This leads to contracting parasites, which will help the body initially. Over time, the parasites will keep the heavy metals in check, but they will also create the basis for disc herniations, as the parasites end up feeding off the tough fibrous connective tissue associated with the outer layer of the disc. This tough fibrous tissue is known as the Annulus Fibrosis. Once the Annulus is compromised, herniations can result from something as simple as bending over for a dime, or even rolling over in bed.
Now, if the Heavy Metals begin to accumulate in the Brain, and we are dealing specifically with Aluminum, this will contribute to Alzheimer's Disease. The deposits of Aluminum accumulate within the brain tissue and interfere with how the brain functions and remembers. This is one reason why a person will suffer with memory loss as they get older. Something to consider before you get older.
What If I Suspect Heavy Metal Toxicity?
If you suspect that you suffer from Heavy Metal Toxicity, either because you have Disc Herniations, Difficulty with constipation, failing memory, or if you use an anti-perspirant regularly, you'll want to come into the office and allow me to see if there are any underlying causes of those conditions related to Heavy Metals and Heavy Metal Toxicity. The tests themselves are completely painless, and I can give you an understanding if you have a problem immediately.
My Offer To You
To All Current Patients, in preparation for Detoxification, I will be happy to screen you for Heavy Metals, Parasites and your predisposition to Alzheimer's Disease, as well as have you bring in your anti-perspirant so we can determine if your body has difficulty using it. This is normally a $ 75.00 value, and I will do it at no cost to you. That's right, it's FREE. But you must call and secure your spot before the end of March. As of May 1, 2011, the offer will be gone. Simply call The Office and tell us to put you in for the Heavy Metal/Parasite Test. With the test, we can discuss the treatment solutions available to you if you suffer with these, or what to do to prevent your body from getting these conditions. So call The Office TODAY at (845) 561-BACK (2225) and secure your spot.
To All Potential New Patients, I would like to extend to you the same offer. Call The Office and tell us you'd like to have the Heavy Metal/Parasite Test and I will help you appreciate how that might fit into your overall health picture. So Call The Office NOW at (845) 561-BACK (2225) and tell us you are a New Patient, but want to take advantage of the FREE Heavy Metal/Parasite Test. Again this normally is a $75.00 value, and will be yours FREE until the end of March. As of May 1st, 2011, the offer will be gone. So Call The Office Today!
As Always, we offer FREE Health Care Classes every Tuesday Evening at 6:30 in the Newburgh Office located at 320 Robinson Avenue. Come have all of your health related questions answered, and have the opportunity to receive a FREE Evaluation. Call The Office at (845) 561-BACK (2225) and reserve your spot today. Since class size is limited, reservations are required. Call The Office TODAY!
To sign up for this free newsletter simply go to www.spineboy.com and click on Newsletter Sign Up next to “Main Menu.” Then simply type your name and e-mail address and click on all of the selections and you will begin receiving my FREE Newsletters in your e-mail box every morning that they go out.
Doc Rick says, "If you use an antiperspirant in an effort to stop your sweating/perspiring, you'll choose to consider what this article says. With many people suffering with Alzheimer’s Disease and other neurological symptoms related to memory loss, understanding this information is important."
Stop Sweating Life
How many of you reading this article use either an anti-perspirant or a combination anti-perspirant and deodorant? If you do, you might be interested in knowing that the chief ingredient in either is Aluminum. The Aluminum is designed to stop the wetness, hence the anti-perspirant. What you may not be aware of is that every time you roll on you anti-perspirant, you are creating the basis for a toxic effect in your body from that Aluminum. Since the anti-perspirant is being applied to an area of the body that sweats easily, as this is stopping the wetness, it is also creating the basis for Heavy Metal Toxicity. The Aluminum is able to flow across the skin and into the bloodstream, where it gets carried to the Liver and, possibly to the Brain. Over time this creates heavy metal toxicity, which research has shown may contribute to conditions such as Parasites, Disc Herniations and Alzheimer's Disease. Why is this true? For the simple reason that when the Aluminum is absorbed into the body (due to the difference in concentration gradient) it vibrates at a particular frequency of energy. Appreciating that everything in life has its own unique, distinct energy to it, the particular frequency involved with Aluminum, or any other heavy metal absorbed by the body, will send out a message that attracts parasites. This is because parasites feed off of the heavy metals. They are naturally attracted to them. Therefore, the more heavy metals you place into the body (either from anti-perspirants, mercury fillings, cooking utensils, PBB's and PCB's from computers screens, cell phones, high tension wires and television screens, etc., or eating tuna or other fish high in heavy metals), the more likely your body will have absorbed these heavy metals and their derivatives. This leads to contracting parasites, which will help the body initially. Over time, the parasites will keep the heavy metals in check, but they will also create the basis for disc herniations, as the parasites end up feeding off the tough fibrous connective tissue associated with the outer layer of the disc. This tough fibrous tissue is known as the Annulus Fibrosis. Once the Annulus is compromised, herniations can result from something as simple as bending over for a dime, or even rolling over in bed.
Now, if the Heavy Metals begin to accumulate in the Brain, and we are dealing specifically with Aluminum, this will contribute to Alzheimer's Disease. The deposits of Aluminum accumulate within the brain tissue and interfere with how the brain functions and remembers. This is one reason why a person will suffer with memory loss as they get older. Something to consider before you get older.
What If I Suspect Heavy Metal Toxicity?
If you suspect that you suffer from Heavy Metal Toxicity, either because you have Disc Herniations, Difficulty with constipation, failing memory, or if you use an anti-perspirant regularly, you'll want to come into the office and allow me to see if there are any underlying causes of those conditions related to Heavy Metals and Heavy Metal Toxicity. The tests themselves are completely painless, and I can give you an understanding if you have a problem immediately.
My Offer To You
To All Current Patients, in preparation for Detoxification, I will be happy to screen you for Heavy Metals, Parasites and your predisposition to Alzheimer's Disease, as well as have you bring in your anti-perspirant so we can determine if your body has difficulty using it. This is normally a $ 75.00 value, and I will do it at no cost to you. That's right, it's FREE. But you must call and secure your spot before the end of March. As of May 1, 2011, the offer will be gone. Simply call The Office and tell us to put you in for the Heavy Metal/Parasite Test. With the test, we can discuss the treatment solutions available to you if you suffer with these, or what to do to prevent your body from getting these conditions. So call The Office TODAY at (845) 561-BACK (2225) and secure your spot.
To All Potential New Patients, I would like to extend to you the same offer. Call The Office and tell us you'd like to have the Heavy Metal/Parasite Test and I will help you appreciate how that might fit into your overall health picture. So Call The Office NOW at (845) 561-BACK (2225) and tell us you are a New Patient, but want to take advantage of the FREE Heavy Metal/Parasite Test. Again this normally is a $75.00 value, and will be yours FREE until the end of March. As of May 1st, 2011, the offer will be gone. So Call The Office Today!
As Always, we offer FREE Health Care Classes every Tuesday Evening at 6:30 in the Newburgh Office located at 320 Robinson Avenue. Come have all of your health related questions answered, and have the opportunity to receive a FREE Evaluation. Call The Office at (845) 561-BACK (2225) and reserve your spot today. Since class size is limited, reservations are required. Call The Office TODAY!
To sign up for this free newsletter simply go to www.spineboy.com and click on Newsletter Sign Up next to “Main Menu.” Then simply type your name and e-mail address and click on all of the selections and you will begin receiving my FREE Newsletters in your e-mail box every morning that they go out.
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Spring Fever
Spring is near. In New York City, yellow, white, and purple crocuses have raised their cup-shaped flowers above the ground for all to see. In California, western buttercups, ground pink, and bush lupine have begun to bloom. Humans, too, are awakening to the glory of a new Spring. It's time for us to join the party.
Renewal - Fresh Air, Sunlight, and a Little Perspiration |
It's easy to associate our society's increasing levels of illness and disease with our decreasing interactions with the natural environment. Our bodies are designed to function in the presence of lots of fresh air, sunshine, and fresh water. If these natural elements are not available every day, it's no surprise that we suffer the consequences. Sure, we live much longer than those born in 1200 or 1500 CE. But the Biblical lifespan was "three score and ten". With that as a reference, it doesn't seem as if we've made much progress. Fresh air, sunlight, and fresh water provide innumerable health benefits. But in most urban environments, we need to actively seek out the natural world. We need to schedule our "sunshine" time to make sure we get out there and catch some rays. We need to schedule time to go to the park and breathe fresher air, air with less pollution and more oxygen. Also, we need to make sure we're drinking plenty of water every day. |
Spring is near. In New York City, yellow, white, and purple crocuses have raised their cup-shaped flowers above the ground for all to see. In California, western buttercups, ground pink, and bush lupine have begun to bloom. Humans, too, are awakening to the glory of a new Spring.
For most species, Winter is a time of rest and recovery. A time of renewal. When the clock strikes Spring, oak trees, azaleas, prairie dogs, red-tailed hawks, salmon, and butterflies are ready to go. But people are often out-of-touch with the rhythms of their home planet. We struggle against the elements, dreading Winter and battling cold, sleet, and snow for three or four long months.
When Spring finally comes we're often too stressed out from our Winter blues to enjoy what's unfolding right in front of us. We didn't use our Winter time to build new reserves of strength. But Spring signals a new year, full of new possibilities. We have a new opportunity to grow and develop, just like every other species with whom we share our beautiful planet.
We can allow ourselves to be inspired by the subtle news of a new Spring. The sun is higher in the sky and the days are longer. The air is fresher, carrying the scent of revitalized soil. Fresh water sparkles, glinting and glistening in dancing sunbeams.1,2
It's time for us to join the party. As humans, we don't grow new branches, twigs, and leaves. We don't grow new antlers or a new coat of fur. What we can do, though, is grow new cells, particularly muscle cells. And we can make the cells we already have much healthier and much stronger.
Being active provides the access to this process of renewal and rebirth. For many of us, this will be a brand-new way of being. Three-quarters of American adults do not get enough physical activity to meet public health recommendations. This data directly correlates with the associated facts that two-thirds of American adults are overweight or obese.3
We want to be healthy, fit, and well. This new Spring is the time to begin taking small steps toward reinventing ourselves as people who really are well, who really are physically fit, and who really manifest abundant, vibrant health. Consult your chiropractor for professional advice and guidance in designing your new fitness-and-exercise programs. We will provide expert assistance and support you in your wellness journey. In modern society, lack of good health is the norm. It takes time and effort to ensure we restore ourselves to the abundance of good health that is our birthright.
1Colston KW: Vitamin D and breast cancer risk. Best Pract Res Clin Endocrinol Metab 22(4):587-599, 2008
2Bener A, et al: High prevalence of vitamin D deficiency in type 1 diabetes mellitus and healthy children. Acta Diabetol 2008 Oct 10
3Spiotta RT, Luma GB: Evaluating obesity and cardiovascular risk factors in children and adolescents. Am Fam Physician 78(9):1052-1058, 2008
For most species, Winter is a time of rest and recovery. A time of renewal. When the clock strikes Spring, oak trees, azaleas, prairie dogs, red-tailed hawks, salmon, and butterflies are ready to go. But people are often out-of-touch with the rhythms of their home planet. We struggle against the elements, dreading Winter and battling cold, sleet, and snow for three or four long months.
When Spring finally comes we're often too stressed out from our Winter blues to enjoy what's unfolding right in front of us. We didn't use our Winter time to build new reserves of strength. But Spring signals a new year, full of new possibilities. We have a new opportunity to grow and develop, just like every other species with whom we share our beautiful planet.
We can allow ourselves to be inspired by the subtle news of a new Spring. The sun is higher in the sky and the days are longer. The air is fresher, carrying the scent of revitalized soil. Fresh water sparkles, glinting and glistening in dancing sunbeams.1,2
It's time for us to join the party. As humans, we don't grow new branches, twigs, and leaves. We don't grow new antlers or a new coat of fur. What we can do, though, is grow new cells, particularly muscle cells. And we can make the cells we already have much healthier and much stronger.
Being active provides the access to this process of renewal and rebirth. For many of us, this will be a brand-new way of being. Three-quarters of American adults do not get enough physical activity to meet public health recommendations. This data directly correlates with the associated facts that two-thirds of American adults are overweight or obese.3
We want to be healthy, fit, and well. This new Spring is the time to begin taking small steps toward reinventing ourselves as people who really are well, who really are physically fit, and who really manifest abundant, vibrant health. Consult your chiropractor for professional advice and guidance in designing your new fitness-and-exercise programs. We will provide expert assistance and support you in your wellness journey. In modern society, lack of good health is the norm. It takes time and effort to ensure we restore ourselves to the abundance of good health that is our birthright.
1Colston KW: Vitamin D and breast cancer risk. Best Pract Res Clin Endocrinol Metab 22(4):587-599, 2008
2Bener A, et al: High prevalence of vitamin D deficiency in type 1 diabetes mellitus and healthy children. Acta Diabetol 2008 Oct 10
3Spiotta RT, Luma GB: Evaluating obesity and cardiovascular risk factors in children and adolescents. Am Fam Physician 78(9):1052-1058, 2008
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Monday, March 21, 2011
Doc Rick says, "If you'd like to help yourself most during the Year of NEW BEGINNINGS, strongly consider and then do the Doctor Supervised Detoxification Program, supervised by myself, Dr. Huntoon." Click on the link to learn the many reasons why.
Detoxification sounds like something a person needs if they are recovering from an overdose of recreational drugs, or from drinking too much alcohol over the years. And that would be true. But for the average individual who eats and breathes, Detoxification has become a necessary process if you want to, not only improve your health, but maintain your health as well. Consider the problem of Toxicity where in recent history, mankind has managed to drastically change the chemistry of the environment in which we live. As an example, in 1996 alone, more than 418 million pounds of chemicals were released into the ground, threatening those areas soils where foods are grown and the natural underground water tables that supply some of our drinking water. Also of note, 45 million pounds of chemicals were discharged into surface waters such as lakes and rivers. More than 1 billion pounds of chemical emissions were pumped into the air that we breathe. A grand total of 2.4 billion pounds of chemical pollutants were released into the environment we eat, breathe, and live in-all in just one year.
To increase the problem of our toxic environment, we have refined away much of the nutritional value of our food supply and replaced it with artificial colors, preservatives, flavors, conditioners, etc. This poor quality diet--combined with the extensive use of antibiotics in medicine and agriculture--may have predisposed many of us to experience all kinds of "internal" pollution. Internal pollution occurs when toxins enter the body from the environment or are produced by unhealthy bacteria in the intestines. Internal pollution negatively impacts many aspects of our overall health.
Does Toxicity Affect Me?
What does the problem of toxicity mean for the average individual? It may present a threat to the vital level of health you could enjoy. But whether you succumb to the adverse effects of toxicity depends upon your knowledge of the subject, and the choices that you make. You need to take personal responsibility to ensure that you DO NOT fall victim to toxicity. That involves learning what you need to do to help your body protect itself from toxicity. This can be done by paying attention to the following: Do all you can to purify your work and home environments. Remove as many of the sources of chemicals, insecticides, cleaning agents, etc. as possible from both the work and home. Consider an effective air and water purification system when needed. Protective clothing and breathing apparatus should be worn when using any toxic materials. Regular replacement of furnace and air conditioning filters may also be helpful.
It is also important to eat a good diet with plenty of fresh wholesome foods. Avoid eating excess refined fat, refined sugar, and foods high in additives and preservatives. In other words, eat only natural, fresh foods. Eat more organic vegetables and meats from organically raised animals whenever possible. Drink plenty of water ( 1 quart for every 50 lbs. of body weight, every day). A home water purification system is highly recommended to provide pure water for drinking and cooking.
Support Your Body's Efforts To Eliminate Toxins
Appreciate that it is virtually impossible to avoid toxicity completely. With that understanding, the importance of supporting your body's efforts to eliminate the accumulated toxins cannot be overstated. This can be accomplished through a properly administered detoxification program. Formerly it was believed that a water or juice fast was a preferred detox program. This was based on the opinion that by eliminating food from the digestive tract, that the body will then be able to clear the stored toxins and heal itself. Now that modern day research supports the understanding that the body's detoxification system is a heavily nutrient-supported process, simple juice or water fasts are no longer the method of choice. Prolonged fasting may weaken muscles and various organs because of protein losses and gradual slowing of metabolic activity as the body endeavors to conserve its depleted energy sources.
A much better approach to detoxification is to nourish the body thoroughly, fueling its natural detoxification mechanism with the nutrients needed to achieve optimal detoxification activity. By providing high quality protein, complex carbohydrates, and essential fats, the body gets what it needs to prevent muscle and organ breakdown and depleted energy resources. But that is just the beginning. Nutrients are needed to support the function of the organs directly involved in detoxification: The Liver, the Intestinal Tract, the Kidneys, as well as, the Lungs and the Skin. By supporting all 5 of these elimination organs and the systems they belong to will thus allow your body to purge itself of its current toxins in a natural and harmonious way.
Consider Our Detoxification Program
Developed over a period of 10 years, the current version of the detoxification program offered at Advanced Alternative Medicine Center is a complete program designed to handle all of the needs of the body to assist in the elimination of those toxins that have accumulated over the years. Having participated in the program myself, before introducing it to my practice members, I personally lost 19 pounds of toxins and wastes that were accumulating within my elimination organs and systems over a 33 year period. And through it all, I felt energized and vital throughout the 23 day process. I highly recommend this program to anyone who is serious about improving their health and willing to go to that next level of wellness by doing this program. And the best part? This is the Ideal Time to take advantage, as the energy for Spring Cleaning is Right NOW!
The basic program consists of 9 days of slowly preparing your body for a purging cleanse of the Liver/Gall bladder and Intestinal Systems. Then during days 10 through 12, 13, 14 or 15, depending on how long you want to purge your body, you will be asked to eat minimal fruit and vegetables while drinking several different drinks designed to clean out your Intestinal System and a nightly drink designed to purge your Liver/Gall bladder System. Then you will begin to slowly return to a normal diet over the last 9 days. Since the program recommends using only high quality Organic food, you will need a certain amount of preparation in order to obtain the recommended foods. Our office maintains resources that will help you to shop for the required ingredients, as well as the necessary Nutritional Drink Formula ingredients required to assist the body in detoxification, while maintaining high amounts of energy in the process.
My Offer To You
If you are a Current Practice Member and would like to participate in the Best Time of Year to clean out your filters, call the office at (845) 561-BACK (2225) and tell us to sign you up for the Doctor Supervised Detoxification Program. We will tell you what is involved and what you can expect, as I have personally done the program 4 times. Since the time for this program is best during the next 8 weeks (offer expires April 30, 2011), I will make available to you our Detoxification Manual (a $ 30.00 value), along with a 30 minute consultation to answer any and all of your questions while determining which version and length of program is ideal for you, (a $ 75.00 value) All At NO CHARGE! That's right, a $100.00 value FREE!! This is my gift to you for demonstrating your willingness to help yourself by using our program. And in return, I know you will be getting an amazing program designed to help you clean out all your garbage and set the stage for improving your health to the highest level possible. Call The Office Today, and tell us you want your Doctor Supervised Detoxification Program that includes the Detox Manual and the 30 minute consultation with me, a $ 100.00 value Absolutely FREE!!!
If You Are A Potential New Practice Member, and would like to participate in this program, simply call the office at (845) 561-BACK (2225) and I will extend to you the same courtesy. You too will get the Doctor Supervised Detoxification Program Manual and the 30 minute consultation with me, Dr. Huntoon, a $100.00 value in total, absolutely FREE. That's right, it's FREE. So call the office at (845) 561-BACK (2225) and tell me you want to take advantage of this incredible offer. You want to Detoxify your whole body and give yourself the opportunity to regain your health and set the stage for your best health yet. Call The Office Today!
As always, we offer a Free Health Care Class every Tuesday at 6:30 pm in the Newburgh Office. This is your chance to have all your tough health questions answered by Dr. Huntoon himself. Since this class is FREE, we require reservations to secure your spot for the class. So call The Office at (845) 561 BACK (2225) if you are interested in making a reservation for yourself or your family and friends.
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Sunday, March 20, 2011
This Tuesday Evening For The Last Time - DETOXIFICATION
Doc Rick says, "This Tuesday Evening for the Last Time this year, I will be teaching a Special Class in DETOXIFICATION and what you need to know to help clean out all your garbage in a healthy way. DO NOT MISS THIS CLASS! If you do not do this program this Spring, you'll have to wait an entire year before it comes back around." Click on the link
"Tonight we discuss the most important topic to your health...DETOXIFICATION. With so many health concerns and medications being prescribed as well as all the C. R. A. P. food on the market, while living in a major metropolitan area, everyone needs to do some Spring Cleaning."
Too many people suffer from Too much accumulated garbage in their body as a result from taking antibiotics, eating Completely Refined And Processed foods, as well as breathing in toxins from our air. Since I am here in the Hudson Valley, "allergy haven" the allergies people suffer from is an indication your Liver is overrun with toxins and produces too many histamines. To learn what it takes to fix these imbalances due to too much garbage in the system, I will be teaching a class Tuesday Evening on DETOXIFICATION and everything you need to know about how to do this program the correct way. Come learn about the Doctor Supervised Detoxification Program and learn how to help yourself. The class begins at 6:30 pm Tuesday Evening in my office and this is the one best thing you can do to help restore your health. Take advantage of The Year of New Beginnings and sign up for this class and learn what you can do to Begin Again Anew with your health concerns this Spring.
Call the Office for Reservations and come be my personal guest as I help you learn what it takes to be healthy in 2011. Our phone number is (845)561-BACK or 561-2225.
Also, in my new book, When Your Health Matters: Using Your Body's Natural Rhythms To Restore Your Health, available for sale through the office will give you all the information you need on How To Properly Detoxify Your Body as well as what to do after you are done taking out your garbage and for the rest of the year. To purchase your own copy of my new book, simply call the Office and I will write a personal dedication to you when you come pick it up. Call (845)561-BACK or 561-2225 and I will put your copy aside.
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