Wednesday, November 16, 2011


 "If you've ever taken antibiotics, you have a yeast/candidia infection.  How to correct that is important.  How to prevent it is even more important."
All too common today is the over utilization of prescription antibiotics.  Originally they were designed, not to prevent infection as most have come to believe, but to stop the spread of an infection after a person had acquired one.  This allowed the body's own immune system ample time to catch up while enabling it to fight the infection and return the body back to normal.  Slowly over time though, doctors began to utilize this medication to fight many symptoms in an effort to "prevent" infections from possible bacteria. This was true, even if viruses caused the infections.  The theory being, if there was the off chance that while the immune system was busy fighting the viral infection, then a bacterial infection could develop.  For many years, Americans seemed to trust their doctors and always took their prescribed antibiotics.  As we became a more symptom oriented society, every time our children experienced a symptom, we would run to the doctor who would prescribe antibiotics.  Anything to keep the child from experiencing "chronic" infections.  Over time though, because antibiotics destroy bacteria (All bacteria), this lead to a condition known as dysbiosis.  It is a fancy term meaning an imbalance in the natural flora, or components, of the digestive tract. 

A Normal Healthy Digestive System
Under normal healthy circumstances, your lower digestive tract is made up of a very specific balanced community of bacteria, yeast and a type of mold known as candidia.  These three components act together to protect the lining of the digestive tract from harmful, damaging substances like unhealthy bacteria, toxins, chemicals, and wastes.  By working together, they help to filter and eliminate these substances while simultaneously allowing critical factors needed for life, such as nutrients and water, to be absorbed into circulation and made available to the billions of cells in the body that need them.  This balanced relationship between the bacteria, yeast and mold is vital for a person’s health. 

An Unhealthy Digestive System
Without it, many different health concerns can develop which include, but are not limited to, systemic yeast infections, candidia infections, increased food sensitivities or allergies, a suppressed immune system, viral infections, parasitic infections, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, and Fibromyalgia, High Blood Pressure, Diabetes, and Heart Disease, just to name a few.  How does this occur?  As stated above, when one takes an antibiotic, they destroy not only the unfriendly bacteria creating the infection, but the friendly bacteria as well.  This leads to the imbalance within the digestive tract (dysbiosis) and will present as a Systemic Yeast Overgrowth and/or Systemic Candidia Overgrowth.  The person will then begin to crave sweets/carbohydrates (breads, grains and cereals) in an effort to feed the overgrowth of yeast and/or candidia.  This overtime leads to more overgrowth, which causes Leaky Gut Syndrome, mal-digestion, food allergies and an increased stomach pH.  An increased stomach pH will lead to indigestion followed by heartburn and eventually acid reflux.  This creates the need for antacids, which actually promotes the increased stomach pH, and will create a loss of calcium from the body.  This leads to osteoporosis, muscle cramps and spasms.  As you can see, taking antibiotics can cause several common health concerns of today, if not followed up with proper treatment to restore normal digestive balance.
How To Correct The Problem
As a preventative to the negative effects of antibiotics, for each week a person is on an antibiotic, they would have to replace the normal bacteria, known as acidophilus and bifidobacterium, for 6 - 12 months with live cultures.  These are usually found in the refrigerated section of most health food stores or at the front desk here at the office. Ideally, it should be in a powdered form, and must be taken at a rate of ¼ teaspoon 3 times per day with meals.  You can mix it in a drink, or add it in your food.  Again, if you do not do this preventative measure, you can guarantee one or more of the health concerns mentioned above.

What You Need To Consider
What is most important to consider is, Why did you get the bacterial infection?  Or, why would you ever get an infection to begin with?  A normal healthy Immune System will recognize foreign bacteria (or other invaders) and will immediately surround and destroy the unfriendly invader prior to it multiplying and overwhelming your system.  If you get bacterial infections, whether they are occasional or several times a year, you should consider how we could help to prevent that from happening.  If you or a loved one have taken antibiotics at any time, ask Dr. Huntoon to check you for the need of acidophilus and if there is a current yeast/candidia imbalance.
The next thing to consider is the mal-absorption of vital nutrients necessary to prevent infection and promote normal functioning and health of yourself and of your Immune System.  There are two specific nutrients of which are most important.  That would be calcium and then the second being the Whole Vitamin C Complex.  We use two products from Standard Process called Calcium Lactate and Cataplex C.  Both are the highest quality whole food supplements designed to give you everything you need to have a normal Immune Response.  Appreciate that when one gets an infection, a fever will develop.  This fever is the direct indication that something got into the body that does not belong there.  This is a sign that there are holes in the defense system.  Calcium regulates this response the following way. 
When there is sufficient blood calcium and tissue calcium circulating around, the junctions between the cells are tight and everything lines up without any gaps.  When the blood calcium and tissue calcium levels drop, (usually seen a lot in children who require excess amounts of calcium to form strong bones and proper muscle function) tiny openings between the cells get created.  Sort of like having poor insulation around your windows and doors of your house in the winter.  Thus, unwanted bacteria that exist in the environment and come in contact with the body are now able to get into the body and the blood.  They sneak in through the cracks in the system.
The second component that is designed to feed the necessary defense cells, known as macrophages, is the Whole Vitamin C Complex.  By giving your body the necessary ingredient to support the growth of the primary defense mechanism within the body, this will go a long way towards preventing unwanted foreign invaders from creating infections in the body. 
That is why I strongly recommend you take both Calcium Lactate and Cataplex C, a whole food vitamin C Complex with all the necessary components nature would like for you to have to support strong Immune functioning.

My Offer To You
If you are an individual who suffers from low grade fevers or any fevers for that matter, you'll want to have these two nutrients checked.  Simply call the office at (845)561-BACK or 561-2225 and ask us to schedule you for I'm Burning Up and Need Some Food Check where I will evaluate your Immune System and the need for both of these supplements.  And if we find that you do, we can figure out what is the best dosage for you to take to help restore balance to your body and Immune System.  Then you can get on with your life;-)

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