Saturday, September 3, 2011

Sugar and Immunity

Last month I covered the first half of the Earth Element, the Stomach.  It represents the Yang or forceful energy of the element.  This month I will discuss the Yin portion of the element which covers both the Spleen and the Pancreas.  Since these organs relate to two different aspects of the body, it will be important to appreciate their differences and seeing how they fit together into the Earth Element of the 5 Element Theory. 

The Spleen as an organ is the resting place for all blood cells.  It is the recycling plant for both the red and white blood cells.  The spleen itself has two parts. The first serves to build Immune Cells known as antibodies needed to fight infection, and the second part functions to remove any parts within the blood that don't belong there, such as bacteria or viruses.  The organ itself is situated to the left and slightly behind your stomach, while sitting above and slightly in front of your left Kidney.  The Pancreas, likewise is on the left, just below the Stomach and in front and to the right of the Spleen.  The function of the Pancreas is to produce digestive enzymes designed to process sugar from the Small Intestine into the blood stream, and then to secrete Insulin when the Liver tells the body to store the circulating sugar within the blood stream.  The two together make up the Yin portion of the Earth Element as mentioned.

The Yin portion of the Earth Element represents the Subconscious mind, to balance out the conscious mind of the Yang portion, the Stomach.  The associated sense organ with the Element is taste, responding to the sweetness found in nature which causes the body to salivate.  The consciousness of the Earth Element is that of Essence--the primary sense of the presence of the body.  The Yin activity is the subconscious mind involved in the intuitive process.  Understanding something from an intuitive sense originates energetically within the body from the Spleen/Pancreas.  The Yin muscles associated with the Spleen/Pancreas are the middle and lower Trapezius muscles between the shoulder blades, the triceps in the back of the arms, and the Latissimus Dorsi of the back.  Also represented are the palms of the hands.  The areas governed by this half of the element are the body's general tissues.  

The emotions associated with the Earth Element are all a bi-product of worry.  The balanced natural emotion is thinking.  As worry is the main activator of the thinking process, all thinking is a state of various degrees of worry combined with other emotions.  Pathologically, the emotion is that of confusion.  Involved worry and thinking will create confusion in the body-mind complex.  This particularly affects metabolism -- especially sugar metabolism.  The chief emotion as a result of worry and confusion sponsors a sense of Low Self-esteem.  Isn't it ironic that when a person begins to worry which leads to confusion and low self-esteem, is it any wonder they end up reaching for sugary sweet foods?  They are trying to satisfy the Pancreas portion of the element.  And is it any wonder that when one eats sugar, it will create imbalances in the Spleen leading to Immune cell dysfunction?  Other minor emotions related to this and stored in the Spleen/Pancreas are over concern, lives through others, hopelessness, lack of control over events, and distrust

Conditions related to Spleen imbalance are those that present as Splenomegaly, or enlarged Spleen, primarily as a result of inflammation.  This inflammation can be caused by the following conditions:  Infectious Mononucleosis (aka Mono), Sarcoidosis, Amyloidosis, Systemic Lupus Erythematosis (aka Lupus) and Cirrhosis of the Liver. Because of the condition of cirrhosis, most commonly caused by over consumption of alcohol, its ironic that the Pancreas' main cause of inflammation in greater than 80 % is Alcoholism.   The remaining 20 % of Pancreatitis is due to hyperlipidemia (to many blood fats) hyperparathyroidism and hypercalcemia, drugs, structural problems with the pancreatic duct, or infection. 

The most common condition associated with the Pancreas, of course, is Diabetes.  Diabetes is the result of a Pancreas that does not produce Insulin, aka Type I or Juvenile Diabetes, or doesn't produce enough Insulin, aka Adult Onset or Type II Diabetes.  For children who are Insulin Dependent Diabetics,  it is important to monitor their blood sugar levels, for if they are allowed to go too high, or become hyperglycemic, it can result in a Diabetic coma.  Symptoms associated with hyperglycemia are polyuria (too much urine), thirst, hunger and weight loss.  Possible increases in infection are related to hyperglycemia.  The importance of this can't be over-emphasized. 

If the blood sugar levels are too low, or hypoglycemic due to over administration of Insulin, they can develop Insulin Shock.  For this reason, it is vital that the individual carry some candy or other immediate sugar source to avoid the faintness, weakness, palpitations, hunger and nervousness associated with hypoglycemia.  Suffering too often from these symptoms can lead to other serious injuries associated with the passing out.

What This Means To You

If you suffer with any of these conditions mentioned, it is vital for your health to get a handle on the underlying cause, or causes of your condition(s).  Since the Spleen and Pancreas are influential in many other body functions, letting them dysfunction will lead to serious complications, including death.  If you experience any imbalances in sugar metabolism, or have recurrent infectionsthat require a constantrun to the doctor for antibiotics, you need to consider having these two organs checked for normal function.  Experiencing worry leading to chronic confusion and low self-esteem, warrants having your Spleen and Pancreas functions evaluated.  Simple solutions can be administered that can restore balance to both of these organs. 
Nutritional solutions for the Spleen include Dessicated Spleen and Spleen PMG from Standard Process, which will help to repair and rebuild the Spleen.  Those for the Pancreas are Diaplex, Paraplex or Cataplex GTF.  These help to repair and rebuild the Pancreas, depending upon if the person is hypo or hyperglycemic.  Possible herbal solutions include Gymnema from MediHerb designed to suppress your sugar cravings.  It stops your ability to taste sugar and helps to curb those cravings.  It has also been shown to help regenerate the Insulin producing cells of the Pancreas.  Likewise, Aloe Vera, combined with a balanced diet helps to maintain healthy blood sugar levels.

My Offer To You

To All Current Practice Members who suspect they may have a Spleen/Pancreas condition or concern, I would encourage you to get the Sugar and Immunity Check.  It is an evaluation designed to help you appreciate if your Spleen or Pancreas is having trouble functioning, and then determining what it would take to restore balance.  Normally this is a $75.00 value, but through then Month of September, I will evaluate this for FREE!  So call the Office and tell us to put you in for the Sugar and Immunity CheckCall (845) 561-BACK and tell us to schedule you for the Sugar and Immunity Check.  Why wait, call NOW!
To All Potential New Practice Members, I'll give you the same offer.  Simply call the Office at (845) 561 BACK and tell us you want to come to my FREE Health Care Class where I will answer all of your health related questions and give you the Sugar and Immunity Check.  But you must call and schedule before September 30th to qualify for this offer.  Again it is a $75.00 value, and for your participation in the class it will be FREE.  So call the office NOW and ask us to schedule you for my next FREE Health Care Class held on Tuesday nights at 6:30 pm in the Newburgh Office.  Since class size is limited, reservations are requiredCall (845) 561-2225 and schedule yourself for our next class.

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