Friday, March 11, 2011

Fat Fights Inflammation

Doc Rick say, "If you suffer from inflammatory disease and other types of inflammation, reading the following information will open your eyes to getting rid of it. Click on the link."
Fat Fights Inflammation
Understanding the role of fat (as opposed to a "roll" of fat) in today's fat phobic society is necessary, especially if we ever want to get a hold on all of the inflammatory conditions that exist in our countries current state of health.  Let's face it, the health of this country according to the World Health organization is ranked 73rd in the world.  That means that 72 other countries people have better health then the people of the United States.  The fact that too many people are fatter today then ever, in the history of both our country and human existence, should be a major concern.  Since it is becoming the norm with more and more of our younger children, appreciating the need for fat in our diet is vital if we can ever expect to combat this major health epidemic.  Unfortunately, the previous/current leaders associated with the dissemination of information on this topic are grossly misguiding.  They are motivated by making money off refining food and selling poor quality nutrition.  And it is because of this misguidance that has lead to the epidemic of obesity here in the U.S.  For that reason, I'd like to take the time to help you understand the need for fat on a regular basis along with how fat helps to fight off inflammation. 
Fat is one of the 3 major sources of food for the body, with the other two being Carbohydrates and Proteins.  Interestingly enough, the craze for "low carb" diets/meals and with the success of these types of diets which must help (otherwise they wouldn't be so popular), emphasizes what I will be discussing in the lines below.   Since there are only three sources of food (proteins, fats and carbohydrates), and the success of these "diets" is based on low carb intake, then it makes sense that if you eliminate or substantially reduce the carbohydrates from your diet, it only leaves the other two major sources to be burned.  And although proteins can be used for fuel, ideally only in extreme starvation circumstances, it is primarily used for repair and rebuilding of the body.  That leaves fat as the natural fuel of choice for the body.  And this is why these low carb diets are successful at shedding weight.  The real mechanism, and true understanding of why, will help you appreciate the need for fat.
Please appreciate the following: In a normal balanced body, your muscles and organs rely primarily on fat for fuel.  This is their ideal choice.  Not the over abundance of man-made, highly refined carbohydrates that you have come to crave and depend upon.  This, believe it or not, is a less desirable choice for your body.  Now if your body is functioning Aerobically, (meaning it is burning it's primary source of fuel) it will activate and utilize dietary fat as energy for the muscles and organs.  In this same balanced body, your Brain and Nervous System utilize sugar derived form dietary carbohydrates as its primary form of fuel.  Again, this is as it should be. 
Now this is the part you really need to grasp!  When one eliminates fat from the diet, this will cause several imbalances to occur that are important to understand.  First and foremost, the body then turns over to using its back-up form of fuel.  As previously mentioned, this would be sugar.  Unfortunately, when the body burns sugar first, this leaves less than the required amount for the Brain and Nervous System.  That's a big problem.  With a mis-firing Brain and Nervous System, several other problems within the body will result.  Now, if you compound this with the digestive Yeast/Candidia imbalance most suffer with, as a result of the intake of antibiotics, you will then have a Brain and Nervous System that must share all of its food with, 1) the Yeast/Candidia imbalance growing in the Intestinal System, and 2) the muscles and organs of the body.  And if there isn't enough to go around, everything ends up failing.  Does this sound familiar to you?  And with most of the available carbohydrates being nutritionally deficient fuel sources, none of the systems will work, and the body (which requires fat for normal functioning) will convert the excess empty sugar over to fat.  Unfortunately, the converted fats are also incomplete for proper burning and results in storage as fat. This is a condition known as Metabolic Syndrome, and results in an increase in inflammation with improper hormonal function and that increase in middle body fat.  You know the type that some call a "spare tire." 
Reasons why we need Fat 
Fat is primarily used for fuel in the body, as stated.   Equally important it helps to form the precursors of Hormones within the body (which regulate organ function), along with substances known as Prostaglandins.  These are hormone like substances that control inflammation at the cellular level.  These Prostaglandins come in three forms; the first form are pro-inflammatory prostaglandins made from animal fats derived from meat and dairy, and then there are two other anti-inflammatory prostaglandins made from Omega 3 and 6oils which are derived from vegetables, nuts, seeds and seafood.  Increasing these in your diet on a daily basis, while decreasing your animal fats from meats and dairy, will go a long way toward promoting anti-inflammation.  It will also continue to feed the body the necessary fuel it needs to produce abundant energy.  Now all one needs to do is continually burn this fuel through Aerobic activity.  This is the kind that is slow moving and lasts for greater than 20 minutes, such as walking, biking, running or hiking. 
So Why Do I Get So Much Inflammation?
Any time a person has inflammation, it is due to two basic imbalances.  The first is the over production of the Pro-inflammatory Prostaglandins from the over consumption of animal fats such as meat, dairy and cheese.  When these are consumed in the diet, they are converted in a one step process to Pro-inflammatory Prostaglandins.  It just naturally occurs.  The second part contributing to the problem is the under production of the Anti-inflammatory Prostaglandins due to the under consumption of vegetables, nuts, seeds and seafood.  But it isn't as simple as that.  In addition to the Omega fats, also needed from the diet are the promoters of this conversion, Vitamin B6, Niacin, Vitamin C and E, along with Magnesium, Zinc and Calcium.  These allow for the two-step transformation of the Omega fats over to anti-inflammatory prostaglandins.  Equally important to avoid are the suppressors of these converters.  These suppressors, which block the production of anti-inflammatory prostaglandins, are alcohol, aspirin, anaerobic excess, hydrogenated fats, cigarette smoke, refined sugar, steroid medications and stress.  If one experiences high concentrations of any of the suppressors or low concentrations of the promoters over a long period of time, it will then stop their body from being able to fight off inflammation, since the anti-inflammatory prostaglandins will not be able to be produced.  Unfortunately, the pro-inflammatory prostaglandins will still be produced because of the continued consumption of animal fats and dairy.  Even if only in small amounts.  Basically, the body has the tendency to produce excess inflammation based upon our life-styles and dietary intake. 
How Does This Impact My Hormones?
Since you need balanced fat consumption to yield balanced hormone production, a deficiency in the fats derived from vegetables, nuts seeds and seafood will have the tendency to cause improper hormone production, or not enough usable hormones.  And with the over-utilization of artificial hormones, most specifically in women, is it any wonder there are so many women who suffer from irregular menstrual cycles or have difficulty getting pregnant?  Or is it any wonder why, after years of not eating fat, many are fat?  And for the men, is it any wonder they too need to take some of the more popular medications for Erectile Dysfunction.  All of these concerns are related to the mis-information about fats, and how society has been conditioned to fear fats for fear of becoming fat.  And yet with all the propaganda and with society following along blindly, is it any wonder why Americans are getting more health concerns and consuming more and more medication?  Something to seriously think about. 
So What's My Solution?
If you suffer with excess inflammation and would like to put an end to it once and for all, I suggest you come see me to talk about your personal inflammation problem.  Through some easy, non pain forming questions, I can help you determine what is the best way to alleviate your inflammation and restore balance to your system.  And the funniest aspect of all of it?  You'll have to learn to eat fat.  But this means Healthy Fat, not bad fat.  As a natural side effect, you probably will begin to lose weight, which is the reason why it is funny.  Eating fat, losing weight, and stopping all your inflammation in the process.  What more could you ask for?  And if we find a deficiency, we can recommend the highest quality EPA/DHA Fish Oil product, along with other essential fatty acid formulas designed to give you the necessary good fats required for balanced body function.  And if you suffer with an imbalance in your hormones, we can address that too.
My Offer To You
To All My Current Practice Members who suffer with too much inflammation, I invite you in for the Role Of Fat Check!  Simply call the Office at (845) 561 BACK (2225) and tell Dr. Huntoon you are tired of all your inflammation and want to get the real skinny on How to use Fat to cure your Inflammation Blues.  This normally costs $75.00 and is a much more valuable service.  But through the End of March, I will include this in your next office visit.  That's right, it's FREE!! So call the Office NOWMake your appointment today!  It's time to STOP the Inflammation!
For All Potential New Practice Members, I offer you the same opportunity to receive the invaluable service of having your Role Of Fat Check!  Simply call the Office and ask Dr. Huntoon to schedule you for my next FREE Health Care Class held Tuesday evenings at 6:30 in the Newburgh Office.  Since class size is limited, you must make reservations.  During the class I will include the Role Of Fat Check.  But you must call NOW, as the Month of March will be over before you know it.  Call the Office at (845) 561-2225 and tell us to schedule you for our next class.
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