Thursday, October 20, 2011

The Doctor Supervised Fall Clean Up Is Here!

Doc Rick says, "The Doctor Supervised Fall Clean Up is Here! This is the best thing you can do
this time of year to jumpstart your health. Call the office and make this Holiday Season the best
ever." Click on the link

Will You Participate?

It's finally here! The moment you've all been waiting for! The Doctor Supervised Fall Clean
Up Starts Today! Will you participate in this 9 day program designed specifically to restore
balance to your Large Intestine, Lungs and Skin. That's right, it will help to clean out all the
garbage and toxins that have built up within each of them due to pollution, processed foods and
poor health habits. It is the time of year where the energy is highest in these three organs, and
the BEST time of year to clean them out. It is the time for Letting Go! Doing this just before
Winter will allow for the body to recycle itself this Winter with less stress and more clarity. And
who couldn't use more clarity in their life?

What does it entail? Modifying your diet for the 9 days, of which it repeats itself 3 different
times, so in reality, you modify your diet 3 times during the 9 day process. Is it hard? Please!
Anyone can do this for 9 days. What are the possible side-effects to this program? Lowered
Cholesterol, Lowered Blood Pressure, less problems related to Colitis, Diverticulitis,
Irritable Bowel, Upper Respiratory conditions such as Colds, the Flu, Bronchitis, Asthma,
Skin conditions such as Eczema, Psoriasis, Hives, Rosacea, and Dandruff. Would losing
any of those be of benefit to you? How about increased energy and better sleep? Would those
interest you? What if the mucus your body creates, if that was to stop, along with the post nasal
drip? How would that make you feel? All of this is possible. And all of it can happen for you,
but it would require a certain level of commitment on your part.

Call the Office at (845)561-2225 and ask us to order the necessary products for your Doctor
Supervised Fall Clean Up Program. We can usually have the product available for you within
2 days of calling. But don't wait! Occasionally, our supplier is on back-order. So why wait?
Call the Office NOW and tell us to order enough for your Doctor Supervised Fall Clean Up
Program. Again, it's only 9 days. It will make a huge difference in your health, vitality and
energy. It will minimize the likelihood of developing sickness this Winter, and will set the body
up so that next March, you can Spring into great health.

Call the Office TODAY and arrange for a time where you and I can get together for about 15
minutes and discuss what specifics are necessary for you and your Doctor Supervised Fall Clean
Up Program. Appreciating that everyone is different, taking the time to ask your body what
is needed to support your Doctor Supervised Fall Clean Up Program is important. If you are
going to commit to the 9 days, we want to create the greatest amount of change within your
system, restoring the normal function to those three organs, the Large Intestine, Lungs and Skin.

The program period runs from Tomorrow, October 21st through December 9th. And the
Doctor Supervised Fall Clean Up Program is only for 9 days of those 7 weeks. Look at your
calendar. Thanksgiving is on the 25th of November. Getting this 9 day program in before
that Thanksgiving Thursday will allow for you to clean things out before you overload your
system with Holiday Cheer. If you aren't organized enough before then, and after the long
weekend of turkey and relatives, you'll want to help yourself? That's still not a problem.
You can fit the 9 days in before the 9th of December. While your calendar is out, call the
Office and tell us when you want to do this program. It's for you. It's for your health. Why
wouldn't you want to give yourself an early holiday gift by giving yourself the opportunity to
restore your internal balance? Call the Office and take advantage of the time of year and the
natural energy to support these cleansing organs. Call the Office TODAY! (845) 561-2225. Do
it NOW!

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