"So many people are deficient in this important vitamin and it is by design. After all, how do people become deficient in something that is FREE! If you'd like to learn why you are deficient in vitamin D and why that is important, come to this Tuesday evening's FREE Health Care Class and learn about the Importance of Vitamin D."
Did you know that putting on SunScreen causes you to not be able to manufacture vitamin D naturally. SunBlock does the same. And as a result, so many people are developing Heart Disease, Osteoporosis, Hormone Imbalances and Immune Deficiency. This doesn't have to be the case. Come learn what you can do NATURALLY to prevent sunburn while still being able to go out into the sun and create all the FREE Vitamin D you could use. And if you know of someone who would benefit from this information, ask them to go to www.spineboy.com, click on This Weeks FREE Health Care Class and have them call for reservations. For a full list of classes, ask them to click on FREE Health Care Class Schedule and Topics. Each are under the Main Menu of the Home Page. You will be helping them to help themselves. And that is always a good thing.
By attending a FREE Health Care Class, this entitles you to $50.00 off your Initial Consultation and Examination. So come get educated on your health condition and receive a discount as a result. What's better than that?
Call the Office for Reservations and come be my personal guest as I help you learn what it takes to be healthy in 2011. Our phone number is (845)561-BACK or 561-2225.
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