Friday, April 29, 2011

The Resentful Gallbladder

As we have been spending time learning about the Liver in March and the importance of detoxification in the month of April, May will be devoted to understanding the Gallbladder.  I hope anyone who wanted to take advantage of the natural energy of the body moving through the Liver/Gallbladder organs took the time to detoxify their body.  For those who did, I'm sure your body is now processing things in a more healthy fashion, and the likelihood of developing certain health imbalances such as Arthritis, vision problems, Fibromyalgia or possibly tendinitis or myositis would be eliminated from the body. For those who haven't yet, there is still time to get it in while the window of opportunity is available. 
Having covered the Liver, I wanted to now cover the second part of the Wood Element, as given to us by the Chinese in their 5 Element Theory of Health, the Gallbladder.  The Gallbladder being Yang portion of the Wood Element, compliments the Yin of the Liver, and is related to making decisions, the catalyst for all action.  The Liver is involved in planning and life adaptation, while the Gallbladder helps us to take action and make decisions.  When one has difficulty with making decisions, either from a lack of information or from not wanting to make a wrong decision, it results in stress on the Gallbladder.  This leads to Resentment, the chief pathological emotion of the Gallbladder.  Other associated emotions are feeling Galled, stubborn, emotionally repressed, depressed or indecision.  These are important emotions to consider when evaluating why you might be experiencing symptoms related to the Gallbladder.  Areas of the body governed by the Gallbladder are the Knee, Lower neck, inter vertebral discs, the ileocecal valve located between the Small and Large Intestines, as well as, hip joint function related to the Femur and the Acetabulum.  Muscles associated with the Gallbladder are the muscles behind the knee, known as the Popliteus, on the front of the shoulder called the Anterior Deltoid, and the Iliacus muscle located on the inside of the pelvic bone controlling hip flexion.  In conjunction with the Liver, the Gallbladder governs the muscles, tendons and ligaments of the body.  It also plays a role in eye health.
When a Gallbladder has stress, the following symptoms can result.  The most common of them are headaches, and can take the form of migraines, cluster headaches or sinus headaches.  This is because the Gallbladder meridian runs back and forth across the side of the head on both sides.  Any time a person experiences a headache, know that there is Gallbladder stress, and think of reasons for resentment in life, or any of the other emotions previously mentioned.  The second most common symptom associated with the Gallbladder is pain in the area of the right rib boarder, where it meets your abdomen.  Gallbladder pain is distinct in that it aches after meals, especially with rich, fatty foods.  Possible nausea and maybe even throwing up after eating something or within a few hours, what some may call food poisoning, is a sign that the Gallbladder is irritated.  The third most common symptom associated with Gallbladder stress is knee pain.  This is because the meridian also passes through the center of the knee.  When the knee pain becomes chronic, it will lead to an arthritic knee.  People who develop arthritis in their knees usually have had lots of resentment in their life, and have placed lots of stress on their knees over time.  Another reason for knee pain and resulting arthritis relates to the Gallbladder and the Kidney.  If you recall from January's issue on Kidneys, you'll remember the Kidney also relates to the knees and the chief emotion associated with the Kidney is fear.  Therefore, people who have difficulty making decisions, based on fear of the results, will develop knee problems
What This Means To You
If you are a person who experiences headaches, whether they come daily or just once in a while, you have Gallbladder stress.  If you are a person who has trouble with one or both knees, you have Gallbladder stress.  If you are a person who has troubles making decisions and getting your life moving at a faster pace, you have Gallbladder stress.  All of these circumstances can be evaluated and addressed in a positive fashion here at the office.  There are several ways to help support the health of the Gallbladder through natural foods like Beet Leaves for their high levels of betaine. Betaine helps to protect against cirrhosis of the liver, as well as convert Homocystine to methionine with the help of betaine. A natural whole food supplement such as AF Betafood or Betafood from Standard Process both contain high levels of betaine, as they are both made form Beet Leaf juice.  Herbal remedies to help the Gallbladder from Mediherb like Dandelion Root or Turmeric helps support bile production to digest fats.  If you suspect that your Gallbladder is not functioning up to par, assuming you still have one (which is a serious symptom of a problem...having it removed) I can help you by supporting your Gallbladder and its needs.  By properly evaluating the function of the Gallbladder and its many interrelationships with other organs and systems, before it becomes pathologic, will go a long way toward restoring the health of your Gallbladder and the function of proper fat digestion.  Since fats are required for the production of hormones related to the Endocrine and Reproductive Systems, making sure they are digested properly and assimilated efficiently is vital for normal health of the body.
What To Consider
If you are a person who has any of the symptoms previously mentioned, you owe it to yourself to have a Gallbladder Check.  If you have a family history of Gallbladder Disease, you owe it to yourself to have a Gallbladder Check.  Take the time to have this checked, especially since the energy that supports its normal function is highest at this time of year.  Supporting it now will enable the body to go back into balance in an easier fashion.
My Offer To You
If you are a Current Practice Member and suspect you have a Gallbladder problem, or if you just want to make sure you are functioning normally, call The Office and tell us you'd like to take advantage of the Gallbladder Check.  I will offer the Gallbladder check to you at no charge for the Month of May.  That's right, it's FREE!  Normally this is a $75.00 valueCall The Office at (845) 561-BACK (2225) and tell us to put you in for the Gallbladder Check.  During your next office visit, I will discuss with you the importance of Gallbladder function and help you to determine if your Gallbladder is working in a balanced manner.  But you must ACT NOW!  It would be important to make sure your Gallbladder is functioning properly while the energy of the Gallbladder is most active.  It is the perfect time of year to support the Gallbladder, as the energy is highest in the Gallbladder now.  Call The Office NOW and have her put you on the schedule for the Gallbladder CheckAfter May 31st, the offer will be gone, so call TODAY!
If you are a Potential New Patient and would like to take advantage of this offer, simply call The Office at (845) 561-BACK (2225) and tell us you are calling to take advantage of the Gallbladder Check.  We will schedule a time where we can take 20 minutes to evaluate the function of your Gallbladder and its related functions.  This is normally a $75.00 value, but will be offered through the Month of May at NO CHARGE.  That's right, it's FREE to you as well.  But you must call The Office and ask us to schedule you.
As always, I offer a FREE Health Care Class every Tuesday evening at 6:30 pm at the office in Newburgh located at 320 Robinson Avenue.  The class requires reservations in order to attend.  Please call The Office at (845) 561-BACK (2225) and tell us to schedule you for my next class and I will take whatever time you require to answer any health related questions.  As a community service, please consider helping yourself or someone you know by telling them about this class.  Call today to reserve your spot in our next class.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

The Importance of Vitamin D

  "So many people are deficient in this important vitamin and it is by design.  After all, how do people become deficient in something that is FREE!  If you'd like to learn why you are deficient in vitamin D and why that is important, come to this Tuesday evening's FREE Health Care Class and learn about the Importance of Vitamin D."
Did you know that putting on SunScreen causes you to not be able to manufacture vitamin D naturally.  SunBlock does the same.  And as a result, so many people are developing Heart Disease, Osteoporosis, Hormone Imbalances and Immune Deficiency.  This doesn't have to be the case.  Come learn what you can do NATURALLY to prevent sunburn while still being able to go out into the sun and create all the FREE Vitamin D you could use.  And if you know of someone who would benefit from this information, ask them to go to, click on This Weeks FREE Health Care Class and have them call for reservations.  For a full list of classes, ask them to click on FREE Health Care Class Schedule and Topics.  Each are under the Main Menu of the Home Page.  You will be helping them to help themselves.  And that is always a good thing.
By attending a FREE Health Care Class, this entitles you to $50.00 off your Initial Consultation and Examination.  So come get educated on your health condition and receive a discount as a result.  What's better than that?
Call the Office for Reservations and come be my personal guest as I help you learn what it takes to be healthy in 2011.  Our phone number is (845)561-BACK or 561-2225.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Antibiotics Linked To Asthma, Allergies In Babies

Doc Rick says, "Please read the following article and learn what Antibiotics do for your child even before they are given a chance to develop naturally." Click on the link

Antibiotics Linked To Asthma, Allergies In Babies 

For years, M.D.'s have been warned not to indiscriminately give antibiotics to patients, especially children.  Many refuse to heed the warnings and the result has been the creation of "super-bacteria" which are resistant to antibiotics, and a deterioration of the human Immune System.   

Now, a study conducted at Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit adds more bad news: Children who receive Antibiotics within the first six months of life increase their risk of developing by age seven allergies to pets, ragweed, grass and dust-mites, as well as asthma.
For the study, researchers followed 448 children from birth to seven years.  The children were evenly divided by gender.  By age seven, children given at least one antibiotic in the first six months were 1.5 times more likely to develop allergies, and 2.5 times more likely to develop asthma than those who did not receive antibiotics.  The problem is a serious one, since nearly half of all children receive antibiotics before they reach their seventh birthday.
The increasing use of antibiotics in children from 1977 to the early 1990's lead to what federal health officials called a public health crisis in antibiotic resistance.  A national campaign commissioned by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has sought to promote a more judicious approach for prescribing antibiotics for childrenSource: Media Advisory, Henry Ford Health System, Sept. 30, 2003
For many parents, especially mothers, it is very difficult to understand what causes their baby to cry when the baby can't accurately communicate a reason.  Typically a new mother will bring their child to the doctor in an effort to resolve the situation, and far too often Antibiotics are prescribed for a suspected infection, especially if the child has a fever.  Appreciate that ALL childhood fevers are due to a simple blood calcium deficiency.  When a baby, who is growing rapidly and requires lots of extra calcium obtained from mother's breast milk, doesn't have enough circulating blood calcium (because the calcium levels fall below healthy levels due to rapid growth), it is natural for the body to develop a fever.   Most mothers don't know this.  And I'm finding that most doctors don't either.  And far too common, the doctor will prescribe an Antibiotic for a suspected bacterial infection.  And many times this is done without confirming a bacterial infection.  Unfortunately, the doctor never offers to the mother the vitally needed Pro-biotic remedy to go along with the Antibiotic therapy.  This results in a Systemic Yeast/Candidia imbalance which creates a craving for sugar in the child.  Feeding the child any of the refined, processed carbohydrate foods along with the "required" milk and other dairy products, and you've now created the basis for Allergies and Asthma.  Since the dairy and sugar products cause the Yeast/Candidia to reproduce more of themselves while at the same time releasing mucous into the system, this will lead to Upper Respiratory stress and excess mucous production in the Lungs and Sinuses leading to Sinusitis, Asthma, Bronchitis, Pneumonia, and Allergies. The mucous now will begin to trap different viruses and bacteria within the Respiratory System causing infections and the need for more Antibiotics.  Since the parents don't know any better, they go back to the doctor for those Antibiotics never understanding why their child has these repeat infections in the first place. 
In an effort to get you off the merry-go-round of infection, to the doctor for Antibiotics, then feeding the child milk, cheese and refined carbohydrates (such as cereal, juice and bread), leading to increased mucous, trapping more bacteria, causing more infection and another trip to the doctor, I'd like to take the time to educate you.  Because this is such a public health crisis, I feel it is important to inform as many people as possible about what they can do to help their children and themselves.  If done properly, it could save the parents thousands of dollars (a year’s tuition to college) in health care costs and aggravation while the child is growing up.  That alone should be worth it.

What This Means To You
If you are a parent, new or old, you will want to consider how many times has your child has been placed on Antibiotics.  If your child has repeated Respiratory System problems, gets colds or the flu, has developed allergies and/or has asthma, your child has a Systemic Yeast/Candidia ImbalanceIf your child is a sugar junky, eating predominantly sweets, breads, cereals and juices, with a history of Antibiotic intake at any time in their life, they have this underlying imbalance.  If you are tired of listening to your child sniffle, snort, or cough all the time, your child is producing too much mucous and has this imbalance.  If you notice your child needing a nap in the afternoon, can't sit still or doesn't seem to be able to concentrate too well, chances are they have this imbalance.  You should have your child checked.  For more information on this condition, go to and click on Member Topics and then Newsletter Library, and then scroll through all the previous issues and read the article entitled Sugar and Your Immune System.
My Offer To You
If you suspect you child is suffering with these imbalances, why not bring them in and have them checked by me.  It only takes a minute, and it could potentially save you thousands of dollars and many hours of going to doctors for repeated visits, etc. 
For ALL Current Practice Members, as a gift to you, bring you child in and I will evaluate them and educate you fully on what needs to be done, if they have this imbalance.  All of this for the rock bottom price of FREE!  This is a $75.00 value and will make a huge difference in their health and more importantly, your sanity.  So pick up the phone NOW and call The Office at 561-2225 and tell us you want to schedule your child for the Antibiotic Imbalance Check.   Don't be foolish and pass up this invitation.  Have your child checked.  I've taken away the cost, so you have no excuse not to take advantage of this offerHave your child checked.   This offer expires April 30th.  After that, the regular fee will apply.  And if you know of someone who has children, why not forward them this e-newsletter and ask them to read what it says.  You will be helping them too.
For ALL Potential New Practice Members, I will be happy to evaluate any and ALL of your children for this imbalance as part of our FREE Health Care Class held on Tuesday at 6:30 pm in the Newburgh Office.  Since you have nothing to lose by coming to the FREE Class, why not load all the kids into the car and bring them down to the office and have them evaluated.  As stated, this is a $75.00 value and is yours FREE for coming to the class.  Have ALL your questions answered by me during that FREE Class and help to develop a plan that will return your child's health to what it should be.  As above, this offer expires on May 30th.  So why not have your child checked?  
If you'd like Dr. Huntoon to come speak on any health related topic to your club or organization, he does that as a FREE service to the community.  Please call The Office at (845)561-2225 and I can help arrange for that to happen.   

Also, in my new book, When Your Health Matters: Using Your Body's Natural Rhythms To Restore Your Health, available for sale through the office will give you all the information you need on Antibiotics and You.  To purchase your own copy of my new book, simply call the Office and I will write a personal dedication to you when you come pick it up.  Call (845)561-BACK or 561-2225 and I will put your copy aside.

Friday, April 22, 2011

When Parents Get Older

Baby Boomer
Vitamins & Minerals
We all need to ensure we're getting our daily vitamin requirements. Baby boomers have additional concerns, relating to maintaining:
  • A strong immune system
  • Strong bones
  • A quick memory
  • Good nerve function
Various vitamins and minerals support these functions and activities. Vitamin C specifically helps strengthen the immune system. Vitamin C and vitamin E are powerful antioxidants, helping protect against a variety of serious diseases and disorders, including cancer and heart disease.

B-complex vitamins help support nerve system function. B-vitamin deficiencies have been specifically linked to memory loss and other neurological disorders.

Calcium and vitamin D are necessary for healthy, strong bones. In combination with regular exercise, these vitamins and minerals can help prevent untimely loss of bone mass.

Good nutrition includes making healthy food choices as well as paying attention to our daily vitamin and mineral requirements. This is all pretty easy to do once we've learned the basics
The average age of Americans is increasing year-by-year. Approximately 77 million babies were born in the United States during the boom years of 1946 to 1964. In 2011, the oldest will turn 65, and on average can expect to live to 83. Many will continue well into their 90s.1 Most people continue to retain the habits they developed as children and teenagers. For many Americans, these habits included lack of regular exercise, sedentary activities, and poor nutrition.

As adults we no longer possess the free pass we had when we were kids. If we continue to eat high-fat and high-carbohydrate foods, we'll gain more and more weight. If we persist in viewing regular exercise as an unnecessary indulgence, we'll continue to experience high blood pressure, heart disease, and weakened immune systems. Older adults who resist the importance of good nutrition and regular exercise are also missing the thrill and sheer joy of having a vibrantly healthy, high-efficiency body. In contrast, older adults can achieve high levels of fitness, or even satisfactory levels, and feel much more youthful than they have in years.

Young adults who are the children of older adults can set a good example for fitness. Of course, this strategy is the reverse of what we're used to - our parents setting the example for us. But good examples work both ways, and smart parents may be willing to take a tip from their kids.

The first good example is regular exercise. 2,3 The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services recommends 30 minutes of exercise five times per week. Most Americans do no exercise at all. Get your parents into the routine by inviting them to go for a walk or bringing them to the gym and showing them a few basic exercises. For our parents, the key is to get them started. Keep encouraging them - not as something they "should" do, but rather as something they could bring into their lives as a "choice". No one wants to do what they "should". Make it an invitation - make it fun.

Also, begin to set a good example with nutrition. Take your parents out to dinner at a healthy place - talk to them about eating smaller portions, avoiding fried and processed foods, and food combining. Food combining means eating a portion of protein and a portion of carbohydrate at every small meal. For most people, altering their food habits-of-a-lifetime is pretty radical. Help your parents learn how to take small steps in the direction of healthy nutrition, rather than attempting to change everything at once. Again, help them have fun with it. Good nutrition is a choice.

For all of us, it's important to walk the talk. Our kids - and even our parents sometimes - will mimic what we do. We want our own lifestyle choices to be healthy and life-promoting, so our kids and our parents have a good example to follow. Your chiropractor is an expert in using exercise and nutrition as a means of helping patients restore good health. She will be glad to provide valuable information on both of these topics for you and your whole family.

1MetLife Demographic Profile. MetLife Mature Market Institute, New York, NY, 2006
2Howard RA, et al:Physical activity and breast cancer risk among pre- and postmenopausal women in the U.S. Radiologic Technologists cohort. Cancer Causes Control October 21, 2008
3Leitzmann MF, et al: Physical activity recommendations and decreased risk of mortality. Arch Intern Med 167(22):2435-2460, 2007