What Are Antibiotics Doing To
Your Child?
It saddens
me to have to write this newsletter, but I have heard too many circumstances
where Nurse Practitioners and Doctors with the best of intentions, will often
prescribe Antibiotics to a child when a parent, usually a mother,
calls in and says, "My child is congested and may have a fever,
can I bring them in?" And the Doctor's Office says, "We
don't have room to see your child today, but let me call in an Antibiotic to
the pharmacy and we'll try to get them in within the next couple of
days." And so the concerned mother will go fill the prescription
with little to no understanding of if their child really has a bacterial
infection requiring Antibiotics, or simply they have a poor diet, eat
entirely too much sugar and are congested because of poor immunity and an over
consumption of cheese and dairy.
What has
inspired me to write this newsletter was a Practice Member came to my office
when her child seemed to have a fever and was congested. I did an
evaluation and his body indicated a viral infection and a condition known as an
Ileo-Cecal Valve. I treated the IC Valve and the virus reflex, and told
the mother to let the virus run its course and he would be fine. She thanked me
and left the office. On her child's next office visit, she informed me
that her husband was not comfortable with what I had said, asked her to
"take him to a real doctor." and when she did, the "real"
doctor told her he has a virus, and she would just have to let it run its
course. And then the next part is what really sponsored this newsletter.
The Doctor went on to say, "We should give him an Antibiotic to
help prevent any 'Co-infections' while the virus runs its course."
kind of propaganda is that? Are we now so concerned about our children's poor
immunity that we need to prescribe Antibiotics to prevent a thing
called "Co-Infections?" Where did this term "Co-Infections"
come from? Evidently, "Co-Infections" (a made up
term) are what results when your body is struggling to fight off one
infection, and another infection develops. The theory is based on the notion
that since the Immune System can only do one thing at a time; it will not
be strong enough to fight off the other opportunistic bacteria, thus resulting
in other bacterial infections. The theory sounds serious, but this
is absolutely ridiculous. Your Immune System has the ability to ward
off thousands of infections. And all at the same time. Unless, of
course, the Immune System is weakened and suppressed. But what would do
that to a normal functioning Immune System? Antibiotics and
sugar. Antibiotics and sugar are the two most common and
prevalent causes of a suppressed Immune System in the country.
that every time, I mean EVERY TIME a person consumes Antibiotics,
their Immune System becomes compromised and weakened. This is
serious. So serious, I will repeat the sentence again. Every
Time a person consumes Antibiotics, their Immune System becomes compromised.
Along with the compromised Immune System, the person also will develop a
Digestive Yeast/Candidia Imbalance which will continue to grow at an alarming
rate every time the person eats sugar, whether it is pure, unadulterated sugar,
or processed and refined sugar. Add cheese and dairy to the mix, along
with vinegar or other fermented products (such as alcohol in its various forms,
which should only be consumed by adults) and you have a recipe for excess
mucous that will congest and fill the Large Intestine, along with the Lungs and
Respiratory System. This leads to Brain fog, Asthma,
Upper Respiratory Infections, Ear Infections, Allergies and
sugar addictions. How many parents have children who experience all of these
conditions? And then
think again about how many times your child has been placed on
Antibiotics? If any of this has you thinking, and hopefully concerned,
you should be concerned! But don't fret, because I have solutions for
you. But you need to come to my office to get these solutions.
And if you think for some reason you can't make the commitment to help change
your child's health, due to finances, inconvenience, or the fact that your
child now will not eat unless it is a cheese covered, sugar-ladened, processed
food stuff, and you don't have the control to get your child to change, you
better think again. Let me share this important fact. Your child's
health and well-being will never get better, as long as their Immune
System keeps getting weakened by Antibiotics and sugar. Again, your child's health and
well-being will NEVER get better, as long as their Immune System keeps getting
weakened by Antibiotics and sugar. Especially if you don't get the solutions for this
and the other resulting issues that manifest as a natural outcome. And by
getting the solutions, you will have to implement change to your child's
life. They will have to allow you to be in control. Imagine that,
being the parent and being in control of your child's life. Dictating
their choices and giving them the right foods to eat, and not letting their
little tantrums dictate that you buy them crap to eat. That's the role of
being a parent. And when your child throws that tantrum, you need to
definitely be the parent. Put them in time out, and don't let
them out until they understand that you are the parent, care about their long-term
health and wellness, and not just satisfying them for the next five
minutes of their life. Suffering through the tantrums and being firm
until they learn who's in charge and who makes the rules is necessary.
Showing tough love. That's the role of a parent.
This Means To You
If your child
has a history of Antibiotic intake, along with regular consumption of
processed and refined food stuff, you have a serious situation to deal
with. If
your child is already experiencing allergies, lowered Immune function and
chronic on again/off again infections, you have a very serious problem. Driving to your child's Pediatrician several times a
year to get the next dosage of Antibiotics will not solve your child's
health problems. It will only make their long-term health an issue, while
suppressing their Immune System. And no parent wants that for their
child. Please take the time to consider this.
You Should Consider
If your
child has a history of Antibiotic intake without a proper follow-up
plan to re-establish normal balance within their Digestive System, your child
has a serious health concern. What your child's health picture will
become is a series of sicknesses that begin with possible ear
infections, sinus infections, Upper Respiratory Infections, and
develop into Asthma, Chronic Sinus Infections, Digestive Problems and
Allergies, to eventually lead to conditions of Heart Disease,
Adult-Onset Diabetes, High Cholesterol, High Blood Pressure and Obesity,
along with a number of other health conditions, too many to list here. Is this the future health you desire for your
child? How about
yourself? How many of the conditions in the previous sentences do you
currently suffer from? Is this the kind of health you desire? If
not, read the following offer.
Offer to You
If you have
a child or know of a child who has taken Antibiotics at any time in
their life and seems to be a sugar and junk-food junky, you need to bring them
to my office for the Antibiotic and Your Child's Health Check.
I will be happy to evaluate your child for the imbalance that results from Antibiotic
intake and help you to understand what needs to be done for your child's
health, along with all of your options. Normally this is a $75.00
value, but for the rest of your child's formative years, up to age 17,
this evaluation will always be FREE!
That's right, I said will Always be FREE! As I am so dissatisfied with what is occurring in
all the children's lives with respect to their health, and the probable future
resulting in a lifetime of prescription medications and further
deterioration of their health, that I make this offer. So spread the
word to all the mothers you know and tell them of this offer. Ask them to
read this newsletter. Tell them this is Dr. Huntoon's Gift
to ALL Mothers. Simply ask them to call the office at (845)
561-2225 and tell us to schedule them for the Antibiotic
and Your Child's Health Check. Tell them to mention the
Evaluation is FREE!
Also, in my new book, When Your Health Matters: Using Your Body's Natural
Rhythms To Restore Your Health, available for sale through the office
will give you all the information you need on Antibiotics and You.
To purchase your own copy of my new book, simply call the Office and I
will write a personal dedication to you when you come pick it up.
Call (845)561-BACK or 561-2225 and I will put your copy aside.