Monday, February 28, 2011

How To Correct Your Cholesterol Levels, Naturally!

Doc Rick says, "If you've been duped into thinking you need cholesterol medication like harmful “statin” drugs to restore balance to your cholesterol numbers, think again. Those drugs will probably cause you to eventually die of Liver Failure. Come to this Tuesday's FREE Class and learn what your Cholesterol numbers mean and what you can do to help yourself." Click on the link
If you've never understood Cholesterol, this class will answer all your questions and help you to gain more understanding of your overall health.  Come to this Tuesday Evening's FREE Health Care Class.  The class begins at 6:30 pm and I simply ask you to call the office ahead of time to secure your spot as my personal guest for this important class. The phone number for reservations is (845)561-BACK or 561-2225.
For a complete listing of this year's classes, click on FREE Health Care Class Schedule and Topics on the Home Page under Main Menu of  Then mark your calendar with the classes you wish to attend.  Since 2011 is The Year of New Beginnings, why not handle your health concerns by using your body's natural healing energies.  Let's make 2011 your best year of health yet. 
Available This Month 
I thank you for the opportunity to introduce my new book, When Your Health Matters: Using Your Body's Natural Rhythm to Restore Your Health.  This 252 page volume is a sum total of all my Tuesday Evening FREE Health Care Classes formulated in the same order as it is delivered in the class.  At the request of many of my attendees, they have always wanted copies of the information.  Now it is available to you in one complete volume for you to read and apply into your life.
We are now selling When Your Health Matters: Using Your Body's Natural Rhythms to Restore Your Health.  Simply call The Office at (845)561-BACK or 561-2225 and tell me to have your copy.  And when you come in, I will autograph it for you if you would like that.
Thank You again for the opportunity to serve you to better health. 
To sign up for this free newsletter simply go to and click on Newsletter Sign Up next to “Main Menu.”  Then simply type your name and e-mail address and click on all of the selections and you will begin receiving my FREE Newsletters in your e-mail box every morning that they go out.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Announcing My New Book "When Your Health Matters".

I am excited to tell all of you that I just completed my first book, and I have now embarked on writing my second. With my book coming out in the first quarter of this New Year I felt that it would be appropriate to rename my newsletter to When Your Health Matters.
By applying the information in my book to yourself throughout the year, you can elevate your health to the next level, while educating yourself along the way. Then, during each successive year, you can continue with the improved health practices you have learned, to continue raising your health to optimum levels.
To take advantage of the information I present in my book, stop into the office to reserve a copy. But don't wait too long, because now is the time for Starting the New Year Off Healthy.